Ubiquiti access control system that works with “almost any NFC device or card” haven’t tried it out but I know a lot of places use their stuff
Cool, If I can dig out some more information on that, I will add it to the compatibility matrix
@Pilgrimsmaster If you scroll down on the page under Technical Specifications it says the Access Reader Pro and Access Reader Lite are compatible with the following
13.56 MHz
ISO 14443A, 14443B, 15693
NFC Tag 1, 2, 3, 4, 4
MIFARE Classic
Thank you, I hadn’t even looked at it yet but that saves me some time, cheers
There are two ways to “work with any NFC device”: use the common lowest denominator (UID), which is not secure, or only work with secure chips and implement all the necessary software to actually use the secure features. Guess which one it is?
And there we have it
I just ordered this as I recently moved over to UDM Pro for my home internet. Will let you know if it works… fingers crossed as it looks much cooler than my boring HID Prox card reader and basic access control board. I think its also going to support virtual keys via the cell phone app soon for guests.
Good morning,
I can already tell you that it will works
I have tested both readers with the FlexNext, FlexMT and the xNT
The UA-Pro works with everything except the xNT, which is too small. The UA-Lite works with everything, including the xNT.
I added a video
UniFi Access tested with FlexNExT / flexMT
Have fun and if there any questions, please let me know
Sorry for my bad english sometimes
I hope my NEXT works with the ua-pro as I don’t have the flex. Fingers crossed!
Me too! I also want to try the flexDF2 EV2 as if I needed to get a flexible I would prefer it to be more of a small form factor. I also want to try it with my xM1. I still haven’t ordered the system though so that’ll have to wait
Hey, no idea if it’s strong enough.
The UA-Lite probably won’t be a problem, but the UA-Pro still needs some strength.
Hey, I also tested it with the FlexM1 and both readers work with that.
UI store is super slow at shipping even not during the holidays so it might be a week or two before I can report back on the NEXT. My next is super selective over readers. I have two of the same model of HID prox readers one works and the other only works without the cover on.
Awesome indeed @Jimbo
Any chance you could sniff the traffic between the UA-Pro and the UA-Hub? I’m interested by that little reader, but not by all the cruft they try to sell with it. If the traffic is in clear, maybe there’s a chance to reverse engineer it.
I have added Ubiquiti Access control to the Matrix, and added just the NExT for the time being.
I will be sure to create a tap and see if there is anything in the clear… assuming there is then I am happy to provide a pcap for you to take a look at.
Awesome thanks Pilgrimsmaster. I have been playing with this over the past couple of days and the reader is very strong!
I might not get to actually install the equipment until later in the month but will share the moment I have things all setup.
Thanks! But by all means don’t sweat it if you don’t feel like going out of your way to do that. I’m just midly curious, because I’m fairly sure it won’t be that simple.