UV tattoos and borging up

Totally forgot about that :sweat_smile:

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I just washed it using clean isopropyl alcohol and prontolind several times and then dried it. You could try a pressure cooker with a sample and see if it affects brightness but it shouldnā€™t in theory. One of the reasons i would wash with isopropyl alcohol aswell is to remove possible oil resedues. Factories almost always have some oil mist in the air but who knows. I just like to be sure.
The results are not to bad in my opinion but it always depends. Part of the scab is always turned into scar tissue which will caputure the pigment.

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The studio of Arnulf is like litterally 20 minutes by train away xD he is the one who pierced my snakebite piercings and who removed an implant that had died and then set the replacement after it had healed.

Thanks! Think Iā€™m gonna try tattoing first, and if it doesnā€™t work, I might resort to thisā€¦

Hell, now Iā€™m jealous! Always a two-hour train ride for me :wink:
But cool to see another happy customer of him :slight_smile:
Piercing-wise, he did my septum piercing (my local piercer didnā€™t dare to do it, because my septum isnā€™t really straight) and three conch piercings - very happy with all of them!

The needle movement should be enough to keep the pigment suspended in the drop on the tattooing machine. If it doesnā€™t some fumed silica from the pharmacy might help with ease of re mixing. Thats what i had in my ink that i made and its also used in tattoo inks sometimes as far as i know. Pure glycerine can cause some swelling since itā€™s very hygroscopic but it will only take a day to get transported away by the body


Most of my piercings were pierced by myself (not recommended) and all the ones i did myself somehow healed way quicker than the ones i got at different studios but oh well xD

Okay, Iā€™ll keep that in mind - always a good thing to talk to people who have some first-hand experience :wink:
I guess itā€™ll be a lot of trial and error, but Iā€™m okay with thatā€¦ gonna learn something new, thatā€™s always a good thing. And I have enough pigments to experiment a bitā€¦

Haha, Iā€™m not judging :wink:
Iā€™m pretty sure I could pierce myself, too, but itā€™s harder to get everything straight and symmetrical - and to be honest, I just love going to piercing / bodmod studios. Itā€™s wellness for me :smile:


Little update - stupid me did stupid stuff today :smile:

I finally ordered some tattoo stuff, needles, skin marker, such things, mixed my ā€œsterilizedā€ glow pigments with a mixture of 1/3 alcohol, 1/3 glycerine and 1/3 immortelle water and started poking myself. Aaaaand I think I failed, so I put this here for others who want to try it out as well.

I have no clue how it will look like when healed, but currently, it looks like pretty much no pigment ended up in my skin - the pigment size seems to be too big really. I did some more research, and wellā€¦ the glow pigments are about 65 - 85 times larger than white tattoo ink pigments ( 65-85 micrometers vs. ca. 1000 nanometers).

But Iā€™m totally not willing to give up now :smile:
I think aboutā€¦

ā€¦ but I am a bit unsure about that. It will inevitably create particles smaller (like, a lot smaller) than 1000 or maybe even 100 nanometers, and I canā€™t really control it - I have no chance to check how fine the powder actually is after I grinded it. Plus, I still think the pigments I bought were coated somehow, and I am still a bit nervous about the stability of the pigments when I break that coating. So first things first, I might just ask the company who sells the pigments if I could get a finer powder from them :wink:

And I donā€™t think it was a total failure - I poked myself for the first time, and it was kinda fun, so Iā€™m happy to learn how to do it well :wink:

Though Iā€™m still not sure why the pigments didnā€™t get into the skin - the needles I used were 0,25 or 0,30 mm, so something the size of 65 micrometers should have been pushed into the skin by themā€¦


Too heavy? Wonā€™t stick to the needle?

No, it sticked to the needle and I could transfer it to my skin, but it felt like when I poked my skin, it just remained on the outsideā€¦

As you like scarification, have you thought about testing that with your UV mix.
Slice open, ā€œpourā€ in the mix, let heal?

My guess is you would get an outline on either side of the scarā€¦

I assume somebody has tried it before :man_shrugging:

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Perhaps needle theory and geometry is coming into playā€¦ skin being elastic is wiping pigment particles off?

Perhaps some kind of different tip geometry that Carryā€™s particles past the skin opening

ā€¦kind of like a dog lapping water but in reverse


Yeah, thatā€™s kinda my last resort if everything else fails :wink:
For the lines Iā€™m currently doing, it would work pretty well, I guess - but cutting a more detailed design into my own skin, especially in places like fingers, ankles and such, could get hard. And keeping it at a consistent depth as wellā€¦

Currently Iā€™m using 07 round liners, because thatā€™s a very basic thing for most use cases, and I didnā€™t want to buy 3 or 4 different types of needles for the start :wink:
I have no clue if there are any needle tips that can help to transport the pigments better, guess I have to do a lot more research - who wouldā€™ve thought that tattooing can be that complicated :crazy_face:
(fun aside - I know it is, and I know what Iā€™m doing here is completely not comparable to the work of actual tattoo artists. This is just some experimental stuff for myself)


Thanks for experimenting and sharing with us your results. Failures or successes, everything is useful and interesting.


@Spyfoxls injected it under the skin.

I was able to work it under the skin just with a tattoo needle.

I dropped a drop of the ink on the skin and then just moved the needle up and down while always having the tip submerged in the drop on the skin.


Thanks! Thatā€™s my main reason for sharing it, along with really good suggestions from all of you wonderful people :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know, and if I finally resort to ā€œjust dotsā€, this might be a viable option as well. But Iā€™d really like to get some fine lines and maybe even some sort of artwork done, and Iā€™m totally not able to do that by injecting somethingā€¦ my skill with needles is abysmal :smile:

I think that worked on some spots for me as well - some days ago, I saw a very faint glow on some parts of my line. Iā€™m gonna take a closer look once itā€™s ā€œhealedā€ (though I must say Iā€™m totally amazed how little irritation handpoking causes opposed to machine tattooingā€¦).

For now, I mailed the manufacturer and asked if it is safe to try to grind the powder a bit more or if they even have finer powder I could buy - so far, the contact with them was very nice, fast and helpful, so letā€™s see what they say :slight_smile:


Sooo, some more news.

First things first, I think more pigments landed under my skin than I thought - I took out my good old UV flashlights, aaaaaand:

Yes, itā€™s faint, and it fades quickly (though I didnā€™t charge it at all, I just ran the light across it), but still - there is some glow. I love it :slight_smile:

And the manufacturer of the pigments answered today, they can send me the pigments in 5-15 micrometers. Thatā€™s still quite a bit more, compared to the 1000 nm I aimed at, but itā€™s a lot better than the 65-85 micrometers I currently have hereā€¦
They said, though, that the glow might be weaker or rather less long for the smaller pigments. Anyway, I think Iā€™ll order some of them just to try it out. Maybe mixing both sizes could be an optionā€¦


Damn, that line looks good actually. Maybe if you tattoo a second time on it, it will be more pronounced.

What does it look like when there is light? Can one spot the green ink dots ?

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Yes, they light up for a brief moment - hard to capture that on camera, but there is a little glow going on :wink:

I poked the line three times, so I think to make it more visible, Iā€™ll have to do that much more often, maybe over a longer period of timeā€¦ my idea is now to try the same thing (like, three times poking^^) with the finer powder once it arrives, and if that isnā€™t satisfying, Iā€™ll repeat it some more times.
Itā€™s kinda hard to describe, but Iā€™m already very happy, even if itā€™s hardly visible - but itā€™s already closer to bioluminescence than Iā€™ve ever been. It would be amazing if itā€™s visible in a darker room without added UV light one day, or maybe even in a club, but even if not, itā€™s still something really wonderful for me :slight_smile:


Sorry, my question wasnā€™t clear enoughā€¦ At daylight, during the day, can they ben seen?