VivoKey for iOS Dev Update:

Come to think of it, I feel slighly odd quoting a fictional computer from the eighties :slight_smile:

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I am fully prepared to make fuck all right out of college. I mean thatā€™s what itā€™s about isnā€™t it? Pay 80-100k for a diploma make 40k a year :sweat_smile:

Thankfully I live in east bumblefuck aka the middle of nowhere so the market is a bit less saturated due to 80% of people thinking youā€™re a genius for knowing how to do something as simple as trace an IP Address.
There were more people than I can count in my graduating class that barely knew how to write a paper in Microsoft Word and upload it to Google Docs. (One of my teachers didnā€™t know what a USB drive was.)

Exciting news, @RyuuzakiJulio - I checked the Trello a week or so ago - youā€™ve had a very productive week!


It was matter of just sitting down and working on it. I had to setup VivoKey Japan and that took a while. But now that I am done with that, I am able to continue the App. It might have a couple of hickups (like every app out there) But I will also be maintaining it. There is specially one that I am aware of, but its a very defined series of steps to actually make it bug out, but is not ā€œdangerousā€ is just a visual thingy. But I think I can slide that one out and no one should have problems with that at least for version 1.0.1.
At least it has less actual bugs than the Android app. :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m following this thread with so much interest! Canā€™t wait to have on my actual phone


I donā€™t even have an iPhone and Iā€™m excited haha.

Feels like a lot of people have been waiting for it, and more people being able to use their implants effectively is always a good thing.

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Rolling out internal Beta testing now.

(I wish I could make it public beta testing, but to make it public it still needs to pass trough Appleā€™s review first, and if we already passed that, might as well just release it, internal Beta testing is just for the Developer Team members and it doesnā€™t need to pass Appleā€™s review)



Ha, me too, If for no other reason than to shut those iPhone users up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
They are like Vegans and people who do Cross-Fit



This is great! It has been awesome following along with your progress on this! I wish I had an iPhone too so I could play around with it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Will be making a video demo to show all the functions and features of the app. Ainā€™t nothing sooo different from the android app. But there are some points that i thought where important to change a little.

Automatic translations and a little more customization is on the roadmap too.


Ok we are running Internal Beta Testing now.
Found a few buggies that Iā€™ve already squashed.
Mean time the rest of the team reviews the app.
I went ahead and extracted the text for translations.
I can do Spanish and Japanese, but we will probably need more languages.
Its not horrible but is a decent amount of text to translate, so if someone would like to help we and I am sure all the users in your country will appreciate it.



If you want, you can send me the file or text in English. I can do a German translation.
Got my first xNT Implant today :rofl:

I can translate to Dutch

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I can poorly translate into Spanish :es: , But Iā€™m sure Ryu can already do thisā€¦:mexico:

How about Indonesian :indonesia:??? Specifically, if in the App you need to order Orange juice, :tangerine: Or tell somebody you donā€™t like Tofu :face_vomiting: or you like Nasi Goreng :shallow_pan_of_food:ā€¦Okay, maybe we leave the Indonesian translation to @Epo



Sorry for my poor understanding of European languages.
Is Dutch different than German? Like is a setting on iOS (German or Dutch)?

Hahaha emoji explosion.
Yeah Iā€™ll handle the Spanish translation, Japanese is done already and German is completed too.
Now someone else is doing Italian. ^.^

Not vicarious, but Dutch is indeed a very different language than German :blush:

Dutch is mostly Germanic, and they share a lot of vocabulary similarities, but definitely need seperate translations, grammar is totally different.

And yeah theyā€™re always different language settings.

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Sounds like Traditional and Modern Chinese.
Iā€™ll take any translations if someone wants to take the effort to work on them.
There are about 200 lines. Plus the App Store description once we are ready to submit.

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