VivoKey for iOS Dev Update:

Hi, just wanted to jump in quickly and pass the news.

After so much struggle and many months of back and forward, Apple has finally bent their arm and modified their framework on our request to enable us to talk to Spark1 chips.
iOS 14 is now compatible with both Spark1 and Spark2 chips.

We still need to squeeze some bugs since the whole system was specifically designed to work for Android only.

Look forward to VivoKey on iOS this fall.


Nice! I have android myself but unfortunately it doesnt have nfc.
Hopefully this means that weā€™re one step closer to being able to set up an apex (when it comes out) with my familyā€™s iphones!


I will be posting more updates as I make them, I was working a lot on the back end making sure everything works the same as the Android counterpart. I have most of it ready.
Spark 1 is working as well.
How do you use your VivoKey without an Android?


I donā€™t have one but I plan to get an apex in the future

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Oh those will be fun whenever they come.

Very excited for this, as Iā€™ve been using iOS for a year or two now and it makes my nfc life harder. Just curious, it will work with Jailbroken devices?


Personally, I rarely use my vivokey because I use my iphone all the time, do we have any idea when the app will be released? Btw ty for your work


Iā€™m not sure. Is there even a jailbreak ready for iOS 14? I donā€™t see why it shouldnā€™t but Iā€™ve not tried it since Iā€™m on beta.

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We are planning to get it ready by the release of iOS 14. This fall probably. Still need to squeeze some bugs but most of functionality is ready to go for Spark1 and Spark2


There isnā€™t one available got iOS 14 yet but I imagine itā€™ll come out rather quickly because of how fast after iOS 13 unc0ver and Chimera came out. As long as it doesnā€™t have built in jailbreak detection that blocks it Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine.

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Ive used iPhone since 3GS, been trough so many jailbreaks and fakes is not even funny. I just give up on them.

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Yeah it doesnā€™t help thereā€™s been quite a lot of turmoil in the jailbreak community due to one member getting butthurt that he wasnā€™t getting as much attention as he wanted. So sometimes instead of using an exploit to make the new jailbreak he just sends a report to Apple and it gets patched.

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One more update.

This is what I have in mind for the VivoKeys view.
I am guessing most of people will just have 1 or 2 VivoKeys so the selection is at the top.
There are only 3 things you can change, its ā€œnicknameā€
'The url" and

One selection of:
ā€œNothing - keep the profile private on scanā€
ā€œProfile - present the VivoKey profile page on a browserā€
ā€œURL - redirect to a specific linkā€

In very very rare cases, (for support) the implant ID is required for trouble shooting. But Iā€™ve added a ShowID button.

You can make multiple changes on different implants and ā€œclear those changesā€ by Pressing ā€œReloadā€ button, or send the changes to the server pressing the ā€œUpdateā€ button.

All this items, locations, label texts, can change, so I will appreciate any feedback from anyone on this view.


What does the date under the image of the chip signify?

Last scan?
Date added perhaps?

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Oh yeah, is the date added. hmmm but I see the confusion, I didnā€™t wanted to make it too cramped with a lot of explanation text. But I might add something like ā€œAdded on:ā€ or something? An icon? What do you think?

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Alternatively ā€œShow IDā€ could be replaced with ā€˜more detailsā€™ and bring up ID and date added to keep it cleaner in the main view? Or a little ā€˜iā€™ info circle in the corner of the Vivokey selector?


I canā€™t imagine why Iā€™d need to know when it was added (except maybe personal curiosity like Iā€™ve had it for so long I canā€™t even remember it), I like compgeekā€™s idea of the little info circle and keeping everything else out of view.


Hello @RyuuzakiJulio any update about the release?

itā€™s mostly tied to iOS 14 and the beta processā€¦ we are up to beta 5ā€¦ beta 4 broke nfc all togetherā€¦ and the last iOS beta process went up to like 12 or 13 or somethingā€¦ so we canā€™t release until iOS 14 is stable and released, then we make final tweaks, then release VivoKey on iOS.