Quest 2
Arizona sunshine
Damned mission
Code 948358
Name jimmyoccam in the USA region
Quest 2
Arizona sunshine
Damned mission
Code 948358
Name jimmyoccam in the USA region
I just sent you a friend request through Oculus, would love to slay some zombies together! No doubt, VR is better with friends
I typically only get time to do that from like 10pm-ish Seattle time onward… and not all that often… but maybe we could coordinate here on a scheduled basis or something.
I can relate, I only find the time to game when I should be sleeping haha
Hopefully some more people jump into this thread so we can start a Dangerous Things meetup in VR!
Here are some other multiplayer games I have on Quest 2:
have you seen
Thanks for the link @Pilgrimsmaster!
I will for sure install Alt Space and come check out the private room.
Im also still interested in coordinating some VR gaming!
i have at thr moment only Beat Saber (Easy and a bit normal)
and AltSpace
Cyborg1976 is my name
If anyone’s on steam, My name is RaptorJeebus, And i have a ton of VR games
I just got My pc setup working so I now have squadrons in vr
Don’t know if this is the correct thread for this but whatever I gotta tell somebody
Can I be real and just say I absolutely hate when Map makers for Beat Saber put in some big ass barely avoidable walls for no reason in their maps. Like motherfucker I am in an office chair, I cannot move 5 feet to the right spontaneously
It’s just a jump to the left,
And a step to the right…
Immediately started to sing the lines - and just realizing I’m getting fucking old…
No, Tim Curry is Timeless.
There is a Riff Raff statue in the city ofHamilton New Zealand.
With the lyrics and dance moves up on the wall behind it.
To top it off, there is a hidden webcam recording/streaming people doing the Time Warp
if I’m detracting, forgive me, but I am new. Getting my implant asap, but your oculus thread made me wanna buy one, anything I should know?
Also, once I have one I would love to join people and play, esp zombies, I played in a VR arcade once lol
Tons, but what would you like to know? Lol
Lol, I’m not even sure where to start. I had my heart set on a VIVE but the price point is what I’m concerned with. The Oculus seems like it’s cheaper. Does it require an extremely powerful computer to run it? I guess that’s my first question.
Also I wear corrective lenses. I have glasses and contacts. I hate my contacts, but would it be worth it to wear them if I’m playing it? I’m considering getting a different brand lol
Ok, so I’d recommend the quest 2 to start,
It’s unparalleled in its… I can’t think of the word because I’m a few sheets to the wind… but it can run all kinds of stuff without a computer at ALL
Pure grab and go most of the time
You can plug into a computer to run heavy duty stuff like Skyrim or rogue squadron vr etc
The quest can easily be setup to have corrective lens inserts added to it