I feel like if people could implant orgasmic inducing hardware, they would. You would be rich!
This is what I would get a kick out of. Just data storage. Create a vault using something like Veracrypt on the implant, encrypt all or part of the drive, then have password database backup among other things. Give me a gig or two and I would do several implants (I say this before I have even been able to get my first implants done since they’re sitting over 1,000 miles away for a while ).
There are spinal cord stimulators/implant-kind-of-thing for people who have been unable to achieve orgasms ever or after injury. I think they’re still undergoing trials and kinda hit or miss in terms of success but it’s pretty amazing.
Reminds me of a certain Aeon Flux episode.
If we go totally sci-fi, the best implant has to be STEM from the movie Upgrade. Also, incidentally, a great movie in its own right.
I have bone conduction glasses. Works GREAT for listening to podcasts or audiobooks without looking I’m doing anything.
I got some that go in a special hat worked great at my last job that I could wear a hat but no headphones cause they looked unprofessional, my new job headphones are fine but hats are unprofessional lol.
I love the glasses. A bit thicker frames than I was used to before getting them, but I have not had a single person notice they had anything funky going on without me mentioning it first, and the sound is actually pretty darn decent
@SammichBrad those are rad man!!!
Obviously perfect for what you are listening to, But what is the Bass like through bone induction… I imagine not particularly good… unless you have a hollow head.
Careful how you answer
Curious what brand those are and whether or not people around you can hear it?
I was looking at a pair of Bose sunglasses that played music but they were a little odd to wear and you could definitely hear them
I was wondering the same. Kinda like Google glasses works but is it worth it. I don’t expect Samsung Bud Quality but how is it listening to music?
@CanuckCold bone induction allows for only the user to hear it do to the sound being induced through the wearers bones.
@SammichBrad are those the Bose headphones?
I’m pretty sure you still get sound leakage
@CanuckCold no one can hear it but me unless they’re set REALLY damn loud and someone is right near my head.
@MouSkxy the quality for music, especially if it’s base-heavy, is definitely not amazing. not HORRIBLE exactly, but would definitely annoy the crap out of an audiophile. for just talking (podcasts/audiobooks/phone calls/etc… it’s totally fine. They’re not the bose ones. It was a kickstarter from a couple years back. they’re selling them outright now though. https://vueglasses.com/ only a couple of styles, and not a ton of options, but they’re comfy and work great, so hard to complain seeing as I was starting to assume they were turning into kickstarter vapourware until they suddenly emailed me for my prescription randomly after months of no updates…
On top of data storage, I’d love a DAP in my arm. I imagine the controls light up under the skin like the xLEDs … but more awesome!
Maybe a 3.5mm jack behind the ears cuz Bluetooth is terrible
Yeah I’m for anything I can plug into my body somewhere just cause its cool.
something the size of the xLED, but able to be powered continuously!
the idea of having light up dots on the arms, face, body is the reason i looked into getting implants in the first place.
You could get the TAAMI (Total Appliance Awareness Microchip Implant) today!