What are some implants/modifications you all would like to see in the future?

I’d really love to see these come back in stock in the store please (I’d rather buy more from you than them) :heart: they’re going to be my first augment when they come in in a week or so…not implanted obviously, girlfriend is getting me the info from the nail salon she goes to about good cheap clear acrylic nails and nail glue. So excited for this “dip the toes in” to when I eventually get my proper implant :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just a shout out to Pimoroni! I’m definitely team Dangerous Things, but they are an awesome store too. Ordered from them before and they were great (i got a Raspberry Pi laser cut case from them many years ago)

All for supporting DT, but they also are worthy of the support.


Maybe someday this will be small enough to implant: https://github.com/GCY/Continuous-Non-Invasive-Blood-Pressure-Research-Platform---ECG-and-PPG-Pulse-Arrival-Time-Based-

I would really appreciate a RGB LED thats kind of programmable.
Could be used for aesthetic purposes (If I would decide to implant a LED I would never know which colour to choose) or for practical ones, you could get more feedback options with this.

Soon, hopefully.

Call me what you want, but… give me one of these before I die.

image image


I also want a fucking laser beam please and thank you


I’ll happily be the first to test whatever new implant can allow me to do anything even remotely similar to energy blasts :boom:

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You could implant a capacitor and short it out


Please Don't Install a capacitor

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Dry caps don’t vent (paper, mica, PP). But they have very limited storage capacities.

I just want more lights and a way to activate those lights (like the 13.56 MHz “bracelet” thing in that one thread) so that I could show them off easily.

I already have an xSIID so I don’t necessarily want another one, but having an xLED with light options like blue, green, and purple would be super cool. Also, programmable LEDs, single or in an array. Whatever. Just more blinkies inside my body.

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:confused: Remember the dislikes, Mr Spaghetti Hand earned…
:green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle:
I want an implant to photosynthetise, btw. :green_circle:
:green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle: