What are you making ⚒️ / 3D printing 🖨

I’m trying it with the position in my screenshot. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll flip it around.
The stl had it laying flat on it’s bottom side when I opened it in Cura so I have to flip it one way or the other.

I’m an idiot. I didn’t think about the top of it :man_facepalming:
It fits though! A little too well I can’t get it back out XD

You can always scale it up 1-2%


Yeah, I’ve got it printing again on it’s nose.

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Let me know how the nose print goes. Hopefully it can still read glassies in it.

I’m planning to get an RDV4 eventually so please don’t judge me for being both a cyborg and a hacker and not having a Proxmark :robot_windows:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

Printing on a small scale is hard! Every little defect stands out :sob:


Successfully read my NExT with the case on!


nvm, think I figured it out.

Gotta slow down

Make sure your not over extruding
Make sure you have proper minimum layer times
Drop the heat a bit if possible

Also try printing only 1 part at a time, so no travel hop zits… a million settings for travel and retractions… you can ignore all this by printing one at a time


Sounds like something that small/detailed lends itself to SLA/resin printing more than FDM.


Cool! That’s exactly the information I needed! :pray:

If some has one and wants to try it out the files are online

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Printer: Ender 3 Pro
Nozzle: 200
Bed: 60
Speed: 70
Time: 39 min


Wow sweet!
My setup was
Printer: Ender 3, (with glass + glue stick surface for the first time)
Nozzle: 205
Bed: 60
Speed: 50

I was printing all three at the same time and I’m in a very humid and warm environment (Florida ++ kind of weather). Also, my filament might not be the best…

I will lower the temp to 200 and try them 1 by 1.

Edit: print speed 50 and travel speed 150

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I’ve got the stock magnetic bed. It’s been good enough but I want to try the glass bed at some point.
I had print speed 70, but travel speed 250 and printed all 3 at the same time.
It’s pretty dry in the room where I print and around 70 freedom units, or 21 common units temp wise.
My filament isn’t great either, trying to use it all up before my new spool gets here tonight.

The bed that came with the ender 3 wasn’t magnetic and it warped pretty bad (the center was higher) so I ended up getting the glass surface for bigger prints.

Yeah that’s about as cold as it can get here on a cold night :sweat_smile:


Can I use it as an example on the repo?

I’ve got a few other colors I can print out a few of them and line them all up or pile them up in one picture as well if you’d like.

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Sure! If you’re not gonna use them then you could also send them my way and I will be able to offer some choice in colors and I will send an assembled on back to you

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Sounds good to me!
I know what I’m doing for the rest of the day then XD
I’ve got a few spools that are getting low so it’s the perfect project to use them up!
I’ve got a print going right now though that’ll probably take another 2 hours before I start.

I’m charging up my knock off GoPro’s batteries and got a new SD card coming tonight as well. I’ll try to make a vid of the prints too just for fun but if you want it. I haven’t filmed prints before so I want to start experimenting with it.