What are you making ⚒️ / 3D printing 🖨

So we didn’t talk about material post handling

But eventually your alcohol wash will get saturated and you’ll need to deal with that

Currently what I do when my wash station is getting nasty, is take a week off resin print and leave the wash station completely undisturbed

Most of the crud and resin will settle down to the bottom during that week

Then I use a 150ml syringe and slowly remove the “cleaner” alcohol at the top of the tank, and put it in 2 2 liter bottles

Until I get down to the bottom where it’s actually settled…

Then I seal it up and kick the agitator on for a bit, and pour all the saturated solution into a mason jar
Usually only about cup worth of

I have a mesh lid I printed for the mason jar to keep bride or anything from getting into the jar but to let the alcohol evaporate

I set the jar outside, but not in the sun I only want warmth… not cure yet

Once it’s reduced sufficiently, then I’ll put it in the sun and let it cure the remaining sludge

Possibly better ways but it’s easy enough, and deals with the resin permanently

I’ll do this maybe every month or 2 depending on print load

The original plan was to set the clean 2 liter bottles in the sun to “cook” any dissolved resin, but I realized as long as I pull what settles out from it, I don’t care about the bit that doesn’t settle