What are you making ⚒️ / 3D printing 🖨

Thanks for the recommendation!

I probably should’ve mentioned I’m kind of set in my ways about not wanting a web based solution. Like I still run Win7 set in my ways.

I like the idea of autocad / solidworks, but licensing is probably insane.


I’m going to second onshape. It’s really easy to use, smooth, great document management.

That being said, if you’re really set on using a non-web based CAD package, your best bet is either fusion360 or solidworks. Fusion is affordable, but I don’t like how they manage your files, its mostly stored in the cloud unless you download it. solidworks recently released a hoby tier for like $100/year iirc.

PS don’t use an end-of-life OS that doesn’t receive security patches


i use tinkercad a lot because of its convenince but it is very very basic.

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Nothing cuz my damn printer doesnt work :frowning:

It would be a custom hackrf case with 18650 batteries, a fan & stealth mode (no lights)

I also designed a new mixer that uses a 18650.

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Pla and petg pretty much have no odor
Nahhh PLA smells like fresh baked cookies to me

For anyone looking for a good solution holding multiple printers, I can confirm that wire shelfs work great and look awesome.

Added bonus of being able to store other junk too.


I made a stool with various materials I had lying around. Except for the foam in the cushion.

It’s pretty comfy and I’m waiting on some of those rollerblade wheels from Amazon before its 100% done


That looks like spam.



Well … After 6.5years of reliable service, my ender 3 motherboard decided to stop driving the extruder :coffin:

Time to start looking at replacement…

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Looking for a replacement mobo, or printer? :smiling_imp:

if you want the stock mobo i can send you my old one. but a bgt one is cheap and quiet.

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I was thinking a replacement printer … But a mobo might be nice to get the ender back up and running :thinking:

I’m looking at the qidi q1 … I like the heated chamber and kliper …

Was it a bone stock ender?
I also have a OG board if you want or you could get a silent board for fairly cheap

The Bambi A1 mini is on a ridiculous sale right now also fwiw

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Just about, only swapped the hot end assembly and the extruder gears. Never had a stepper failure or electronic issue.

This thing was a tank … Put it through ringer and it never budged …

I’m thinking about moving and would like to hear your thoughts on how to pack an Ender 3? I kept the box for this purpose.

And I kinda wish that I had a Neo or S1 instead. That one is way easier as the packaging materials are designed for the base, and assembled X-Z gantry.

I know that someone is going to recommend leaving it behind and buy a Bambu, but that’s not the idea here.



Plastic wrap is very effective at immobilising moving equipment. Wrap tightly and it’s not gonna shift at all.

My ender was a neo and came dissasembled. Did yours come whole? There’s no way I’d deconstruct mine.


The S1 and V2 Neo come like this:

So you can remove 4 screws and put it back in the box if you keept it.

Sadly, I have one of the Enders that comes like this:

I’m thinking of taking mine apart and putting it back together. I’m an engineer but I’m also lazy and don’t want to take it all apart…


I would take the gantry off and leave it in 2 pieces.
That’s how they used to ship the old ender 3

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I would…

Remove the screen and lay it on the table.
Remove the spool holder and lay it on the table.
Saran Wrap the bejebus out of it.
Find an appropriately sized box.