Ahhh you printed it sideways. I always printed in the same orientation you would use it so the walls that the reader sat in would be smooth.
Only 3 hour? Man being that fast must be nice
Designed and printed a little case for some of @Hamspiced repeaters
Lid swings open so there’s no chance of loosing it. Ball detent keeps it closed
I attached a field indicator in the lid. The heat press insert there is what the detent locks into - stronger than just a plastic indent. The hole in the bottom of the case is to be able to poke anything that gets stuck in the bottom out:
Which hopefully won’t be an issue since I made a small ramp at the bottom anyway
This is dope. Looks great man
Locks AND a flipper
That’s awesome man! Can you post the STL? I have so many extra repeaters in a Ziploc bag that I give out to people. It would be cool to carry them in a sweet case like that with a field detector.
here would be good
I can post the step files of the field detector when I get home
Sure thing. I’m currently traveling but will do it once I’m back!
Step file for the Field Detector.
FieldDetector.step.zip (2.0 KB)
Silly little “project”
Game Controller Field Detector
There are a couple of ways I could have gone about this, but I’m a simple man, so a simple method was used
I have a silicone mould of a game controller
I also had some InstaMorph Pellets
I had some naked xFDs
I softened the pellets
pushed it into the mould
I drilled 3.5mm holes in the “handles” and inserted the xFDs into the holes
I now have a silly little Field detector
After a few years of use, one side of the lapel on my winter coat won’t stay flat. I considered using worksop clamps to flatten it, but I didn’t want to make an indentation on in fabric and heavy books wouldn’t work very well to compress it. So I modeled and 3D printed this little doohickey to evenly apply pressure overnight and reflatten it. It worked great and now my coat looks nice again!
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The anti:no_entry_sign:-derailment:railway_car: & thread:thread: hijacking:gun: thread:thread:
A design of mine, made both a giant wall art of it, and finally figured out how to get it as small as possible for earrings for my wife
A “dice sword” made of the geometric silhouettes of the standard dice for dnd
Considering maybe trying Etsy again with this for a bit
Those are really cool
Can probably print other combinations with either black or gold hilt, and a silver blade
But I enjoy being able to see each individual die
Designed a little something before crawling in bed last night
Anyone that’s followed me knows I want big lifting magnet… and I’m just starting to play with wearables
So I whipped up a little something with a continently sized magnet I found that’s been stuck to my clip board for the past decade probably haha
Design is nothing particularly special, just kept it as small as I could in 20 minutes of design… figured proof of concept and build something nicer later
Under-desk mount for the ACR-122
ACR UnderdeskMount.stl (71.3 KB)
Made it so it can be used two ways. One semi permanent, and one so it can easily be removed.
I secure it with double sided sticky tape, but I have holes if you want to screw it in
Edit: added rounded corners
Oh man, good share. I had to make the same thing for my tiny little HID OmniKey 5022 CL reader which is absolute dog shit even on it’s best day. The large repeater fr4 board gives it some life though!
HID OmniKey 5022 CL undermount.stl (147.2 KB)