What cards work for conversion to microcard implant?

I just imagine you have a gigantic library of 10k+ memes and reaction gifs, fit for any occasion :slight_smile:


Yup, he calls it “Google Images”. How quaint.

Funny. Sadly though, I wouldn’t be surprised if some Trumpistas went and trashed that community center.

Quick question, would toluene work as a solvent (for my purpose of dissolving a bank card)?

Toluene dissoves anything - including your DNA: it’s carcinogenic.

Except that’s never been confirmed. The EPA states that there is insufficient evidence (I got curious when you said that because I have had that stuff forever in my solvent cabinet and I never saw any warnings regarding carcinogenesis in the MSDS). Source or toluene.pdf (162.3 KB) specifically page 3 subsection ‘Cancer risk’

I remember reading an article a long time ago about home mechanics who had the habit of cleaning their hands with carburetor cleaner and got cancer as a result. When I read that, I quit doing it also, out of safety :slight_smile: Maybe it was wrong…

Well, you have probably still done well :slight_smile:
The thing is still really toxic, especially if you are chronically exposed to it (nasty neurotoxic effects)

Or the people writing the article didn’t set up a proper scientific test and just assumed. Consider that people who wash their hands with carb cleaner are also the types to do a lot of other seemingly dumb stuff too… exposing themselves to all kinds of nasty things… everyone I can think of who washed up using gasoline or acetone or anything convenient from the shop did just that… basically anything that was convenient and worked on car parts should naturally be safe for using as hand cleaner.

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Toluene can be used in the manufacture of Methamphetamine… so sell yours to a Meth cook and buy yourself some acetone. :wink:

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TIL that credit cards are made from some relatively obscure copolymer of vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate - Polyvinyl chloride acetate.

Would love to, but I’m fresh out of acetone and the specialized stores who sell it are all closed due to the lockdown. I could buy it from a lab supplier but it would cost me my firstborn and it would probably arrive after the lockdown is lifted since I’m a low priority customer. And I very much doubt the cook would have any to trade :wink:

No problems, just grab some nail polish remover :+1:

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No dice, some years ago all nail polish removers in regular stores were moved to oil based shit. Will try buying, bit I doubt it will work. Will do a solubility test in some “household” items tonight

Where do you live again?

Interesting, As far as I know, the ones in NZ still have acetone, I wonder why they went away from it?
Anyway, regular stores…What about from a $2 shop full of Chinese imported stuff?

I havent tried it, but you could look at “Model Cement” sounds like a glue, but it actually melts the plastic…not sure what it would do to the Chip though, so maybe a test on a cheap test card first…

All I can think of at the moment, I hope you find something…If so let us know :+1:

Some years ago it was added to the list of substances where suspicious purchases have to be reported to the police, and since then it has been gradually phased out (same thing happened to hydrogen peroxide above 12% I think, and some nitrates, nitromethane…). Well, acetone + h2o2 is easily explainable (the form an extremely unstable and dangerous primary explosive acetone peroxide, sometimes called ‘Mother of satan’, which was already used in terrorist attacks several times), and I can easily see why they would want to prevent that.
But AFAIK most explosives used in terrorist attacks are nitrogen based.

I think since the beginning of this year, even purchase of sulfuric acid has become impossible for normal citizens. Terror paranoia just makes me sad, and makes life unnecessarily difficult for amateur chemists. → harder to get into → harder to develop a love for it → less passionate chemists who can discover new and amazing things

yep in the uk we have a similar act in fact 2 one of which is the precursor of explosives that effectively banned any chemical that could be used for oxidization or fuel during an explosion this included things like potassium nitrate, high strength acetone and hydrogen peroxide over a certain %

Oh yeah? Maybe they should consider adding propane-butane gas cylinders to the list too since they are just an insane explosion hazard :confused:

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Some unlikely substances end up on those lists.

Years ago, I went to my local harware store (not big box, a high street mom and pop store I liked patronizing) to buy 10 lbs of baking soda, to make an electrolytic bath to remove rust out of a bunch of old gun barrels.

The little old lady who ran the store asked me my ID card and my reasons for the purchase. I obliged, but I was surprised, so I asked her why she asked me that. She told me baking soda is used for cooking meth or some such drug, and that she had to report the names of those who requested unusual amounts of the stuff. Just like cough syrup at the chemist.

Funnily enough, she would sell a pound of potassium cyanide, which I use to case-harden soft steel parts and releases large amounts of incredibly toxic vapor when it comes in contact with red hot metal, and which I could use to poison half the neighborhood if I felt murderous, no questions asked. But baking soda? Oh no no!