What cards work for conversion to microcard implant?

Yes, we got you onboard!

I am a citizen of an EU country (passport), settled in another EU country, with bank account (+social security number) but living in the UK and waiting for the settled status at the moment.

Passive-agressive comment

I get it as soon as they compare 5 lines of data against my passport, might take f•ckin 6 weeks…

Question 1: Do I qualify for the chip?
Question 2: Should I have contacted my bank (€ account) in order to activate the chip?

Question 3: Can I get the chip prescribed by the UK government as part of the vaccination programme?

@wojtek said above that they will be available in the UK, I can’t see why your settled status should affect that? But I’m sure he’ll clarify!

as for the settled status debacle, I can’t think of any way to explain why they chose to implement it like they did

Not worried about that. I was just wondering if I could
•refer to my EU passport to get a chip
•refer to my € bank account to fund the chip
•should contact my € bank that I link a chip to my account
•tap my chip in the UK at the off-license to buy some WDK Blue?

About politics: I chose the UK to be my home and still think I made the right decision. I’m only frustrated about having no passport for looooong weeks.

Ahh ok,

From what he said your EU passport should be fine and your chip will work in your local, but wkd blue…really? :upside_down_face:

Hopefully he’ll get back to you about bank accounts I don’t fully understand how they’re handling that.

But you should be able to fund your account from a € account, afaik we are still able to use SEPA, There might be fees though?

what matters is your citizenship. If you are EU country citizen that is enough to be onboarded as the Walletmor Ambassador. We only require standard data to process your order without any further documents. Feel free to join us here: https://www.walletmor.com/page/product/payment-implant/

Question 1: Do I qualify for the chip?
Yes of course!

Question 2: Should I have contacted my bank (€ account) in order to activate the chip?
You will be asked to open up the current account in iCard

Question 3: Can I get the chip prescribed by the UK government as part of the vaccination programme?
I don’t think so…

The settle status doesn’t matter at all - what matters is your citizenship (Passport)

I’m currently trying to determine if a bank card (N26, Mastercard) is suitable for conversion, but I seem to be unable to identify the chip. When I scan it with NFC Tools, it states that it is an NXP MiFARE Plus. But when I read it with Taginfo, it states that it is ‘unknown chip’, ‘unknown manufacturer’ running Oberthur OS.
i imagine if it truly was a Mifare Plus NXPs own app would probably be able to identify it.

Any ideas?

Side note: maybe it would make sense to make a spreadsheet with all known payment conversions, chips used in the cards, banks etc. Or would be to sensitive of information (also don’t know if it would even be relevant, ex the bank decides to switch their card provider)?

Quick confirmation: candidate for payment conversion can’t have a contact chip, right?

Yes, it cannot.

More info.

Totally, I never use NFC Tools for chip identification, it is unreliable at best.

Check out the conversion service, they are listed on there

and a note

New / Unknown Devices

If you want to convert something that is new or unknown, contact us via the floaty help button at the lower right of this website, or post to our forum in the support category. We will make an educated guess as to whether or not conversion is possible.


The NXP javacards like the ones in the Apex and in that payment card you’re talking about support native MIFARE emulation so they can at least be recognized as something by legacy systems. You’ll see that alot. It’s not MIFARE it’s a smart card. Taginfo on Android might tell you the input capacitance.

Haha no, Taginfo totally shat the bed on this one. There is absolutely no availible information about the chip. And besides, I found out thay it’s not a good candidate for conversion anyway (it has a dual interface chip). Uniquely, one can see the internals because the card is made from transparent plastic.

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An up to date version of TagInfo installed on an Android phone with “Full Scan” enabled gave you absolutely no information about a chip that NFC Tools identified as coming from NXP?

this looks somewhat promising for conversion… if it could be extracted from the plastic without damaging it, the antenna might be able to be measured for inductance. The loopdies there are probably for resistance but it would also change the inductance somewhat too. The wire itself is enamel coated so it would need to be carefully scraped or heated with a soldering iron to “tin” the wire… then it’s still somewhat of a pain in the ass… you can see the actual silicon die in the center is much smaller… but it’s wirebonded to the contact pads and out to the antenna wire… so very difficult to work with… and fragile.

Well, no info that is useful to a layman like me :sweat_smile:

See for yourself

Tells me absolutely fuck-all

I could possibly maybe do that. I have some experience with electronics and working with very very fine things, and if I break it replacement is quite cheap. Where would you suggest I measure the inductance? One thing that worries me is that this card is now several years old and it is possible they updated the design/went with a different chip manufacturer.

I have N26 as well, my card is metal so I cant do anything with it (other than get stopped in airports) but the new transparent ones are very different from that original transparent one. I loved the look of that one. If it helps i could scan the newer cards and see what’s in it.

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I would be grateful :slight_smile:

Speaking of grateful