I’ve been seeing a lot of products being discontinued lately in DT. What is going on? Is the company preparing to close? Is Dangerous Things in need of financial support? Are you guys in need of investors or something? I wouldn’t want to see DT disappear as cyberise.me did. Dangerous Things in a symbol of trust for transhumanists, grinders and biohackers everywhere.
what are you seeing being discontinued? there is logical explanations for why some things are no longer available. there is no end times coming, in the past year alone 5 different implants were released.
These have all been discontinued: xBT, flexNExT, xG3, Titan and …there’s also the xGLO, but I know how bad it is to put Tritium inside your body.
Titan and xG3 both appear in the Dangerous Things homepage slides/carousel.
FlexNext is getting redesigned because its antenna was too big to be durable.
xg3v2 still exists, v1 was disconntinhed to do vibrations from usage introducing stress points that caused 3 failed implants.
xBT was never really a DT product they were resold pet chips that had biobond on them which is not recommended to be put inside of humans due to it bonding to the flesh.
Titan is undergoing a redesign too, they weren’t pulled from shelves and there is no problem with them they just ran out of stock and took the opportunity to redesign it.
xGLO never had any failures but amal made the decision that he did not want to sell something that could be incredibly dangerous if compromised.
there is no problem at DT just strategic business planning and optimising the store for the betterment of the community in terms of safety and satisfaction.
also RE the carousel; the store page is getting redesigned so anything anomalous won’t be there shortly.
Did they ever produce any xBT with DT bioglass?
Or just never enough demand?
the latter i believe.
temp chips are already way more of a novelty than a utility i have one myself (homeagain mini w/o biobond) and it’s not accurate enough and i’ve still yet to to figure out my exact differential for my body.
Same. It’s a novelty.
Very well. I thank you all for your responses.
Still going guys We definitely iterate a lot and flex series products have always been a bit of an experiment… the R&D costs can be insane and new products have been slow to hit lately… but in 2025, after years of R&D on various fronts, we are expecting to enter an exciting phase of rapid new product releases.
So we finally know when Soon!™ is!
Cool! I have never tried a flex implant before because I was afraid of this “experimentation” period. Would you say today that the flex implants have the same performance and safety of the x series?
I’m going to wait for these new product launches with a great deal of anxiety. I’m very curious about them. I’ll look forward to it.
flex implants have better performance in terms of usability with NFC, which is why they exist in the first place… and safety issues of the early flex have basically been worked out. The only issue now with flex is reliability… for example, fragile SMT components like LEDs still don’t live very long in a flex format. The connection between solder pads at the ends and resin encapsulated elements in the middle of a typical SMT LED is very prone to breaking sooner or later on a flex… I don’t think many have lasted over a year at this point.
But what about the durability of products like FlexUG4 and Apex Flex? Are they equivalent to the x series implants nowadays?
Is the VivoKey Spark 2 more durable and trustworthy than Apex Flex, for example?
I would say durability of flex implants is still not to the level of x-series. Without an x-ray inspection process built into production Q/A it is very difficult to identify potential issues in things like flexible PCBs, so they go into the field and where 9 Apex Flex might have no issues with the small but constant movements a flex implant goes through in vivo, that 10th PCB may have a defect in it that wears and breaks.
In these types situations, we have repaired products by removing the chip and placing it on a new antenna and re-encapsulated it;
Since an x-series is sealed in glass and does not move or flex at all, failures are very rare… but they do happen from time to time.
How frequent are these problems with products like Apex Flex, FlexNT, FlexUG4 and FlexSecure? How common is it to have a problem like that? I’m considering them, but I wouldn’t want to have it removed for maintenance. I’m also worried about immunity and body reactions to the material – I have 5 implants, but all of them are x series; I carry a autoimmune disease and use a med called Simponi (golimumab)
Flex failures of a major kind where antenna PCBs stop working has, depending on your take on things, become more rare… like on the order of 3%… about 6 out of ~160 in the last 11 months… though we have not correlated the production dates with returns… this is just a basic check on report data.
Thanks! I feel a lot safer with this. But what about material? What is the coating used in these implants? I’m going to do some research on this before buying.
From the FlexNT product page: