What would be the ideal setup for a complete cyborg?

I was going to add that, as it is the exception to the rule, but significantly fewer people use them for that purpose, it is indeed a valid point


Considered replacing my head with a rolodex. Adds offline capability to flip through collected faces to select human response. Useful upgrade.


Are you guys serious or is that sarcasm?

It’s not serious but it’s also not really sarcasm… it’s just jokes :slight_smile:


With enginerd I am fairly certain 100% serious. The others it’s a toss up.


I honestly hope that cybernetic technology is advanced enough and ACCESSIBLE enough to have large-scale voluntary implants and part replacements in my lifetime. I’m hoping that neural nets and the ability to have the human mind and “soul” encapsulated in a machine is achievable in my lifetime. That would be extraordinary, and I would sign up in a heartbeat.

In the meantime, I’ll be upgrading and adding functionality in the small ways that I can.


I would easily put a mechanical leg/foot like thoose used by parathletes.

Specially if I could turn them into swords like that Kingsman movie

Do you guys think advanced prosthetics are good enough nowadays?


I read somewhere about paralympic athletes are breaking world running records because the prosthetics are superior to human legs

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I’m not aware of any world records being broken like that, but Oscar Pistorius did participate in both the Paralympic Games and the regular Olympics. At the time this was extremely rare, and there was concern voiced from various Olympic committee members that his prosthetics could grant him an unfair advantage running against able-bodied runners. In the end though, I think in this particular instance (runners with prosthetic legs and feet), the lack of lower leg muscles and Achilles tendon will make it very difficult to break world records in this capacity. The ankle provides a great fulcrum for power to thrust conversion, and the Achilles tendon does a good job of absorbing shock and releasing captured energy. In sportswear hundredths of milliseconds matter, every single bit of excess energy you can put into moving forward will make all the difference.

Oscar never broke records held by able bodies runners during his Olympic bid. Perhaps he should have entered the marksmanship competition instead :wink:


Hugh Herr, a climber who lost his legs, explored making his own prosthesis. He figured the litmus test for their effectiveness would be when people said he was cheating. It didn’t take long. Dude works for MIT now. Interview.


But I do daydream that if I had a robot body I would like a rolodex for the head. Specifically, a stack of moulded faces that cup inside one another and flip around on the rolodex to select the desired facial expression more reliably than I can with my current glitched face.

I wish! Running blades are not as good for balance when walking or standing as regular foot prosthetics. There are a few blades with heels that loose some efficiency when running in exchange for every day functionality.

As much as I’d like to see something out there that could be considered over all an upgrade, I doubt that it currently exists. And then there are problems with attaching the prosthetic to the body; residual limbs tend to change shape just like everything biological, but sockets can’t be as flexible and accommodating as shoes are. With regards to osseointegration, there’s still the problem with getting the skin to heal properly and seal to the abutment so there’s a consistent risk of infection.

I wish that there was more work being done on these fronts, and on interfacing with the nervous system. Hopefully one day it’ll be possible to surpass biology so that upgrading meat components will not only become feasible, but desirable. Still, chances are that the first people to do so will be seen as crazy for a while.

I am indeed serious, and I do want to be able to go as artificial as possible to the point of transferring my consciousness to silicon. And while it’s a downgrade, I’d probably take an Asimo as a replacement body if you offered it to me. But Boston Dynamics has shown better hardware and I’d take an Atlas in a heatbeat as long of you include hands.

In the long run, I want to experiment with different things, even moving away from the humanoid shape.


Why use a flexNT instead of another flexUG4 as a dedicated business/contact card?

I don’t think most people would want to buy such an expensive and flexible (capable) chip to then dedicate it to a single function like a business card.

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Well, I would. I just need to know if there would be any disadvantages (ANY) if we compare the UG4 with the NT. I will have a Ug4. Should I get another ug4 or a NT?

I think if you are going to dedicate the function for one specific thing like an NFC business card, go with the flexNT for that.


I have both, and you totally could, But, if its a business card, in my opinion a dedicated one would be better.
Just set and forget.

PLUS the FlexNT performance is amazing, which is what you want when sharing contact info with somebody

The FlexUG4 is great, it’s just overkill for a business card and its not quite as easy to read.

I started typing this, “saw a squirrel” came back and saw Amals reply

100% agree


Amal could have easily upsold you here, but didn’t, because he has ethics, honest, good egg etc etc


This is what I’m planning to buy after this topic:

The topic serves two purposes:

  1. Knowing what would be the best products for a normal customer to upgrade his body with current tech in the market (not just Dangerous Things stuff, but mainly so) and what would be the most complete setup
  2. Helping me decide what I want to buy from DT and other places

Since this is my current setup, do you guys think that the upgrades setup is good enough?

  1. Left hand: NExT, xNT and xLED
  2. Right hand: xEM and xLED (both are useless to me as I have never found a good use for them in my day-to-day routine.

The xNT is the most used in this setup, but the low range is something that bothers me constantly.

PS: would you add anything to this setup? Even if it’s not from DT.