Why are the value bundles configured that way?

Hey, was just curious while browsing for my next batch of implants; why are all the value bundles configured the way they are? It’d be far more cost-effective to buy the Lifestyle bundle, but I don’t need the NExT, xAC, XFDs, and RDC. Are there any plans for other bundles, like NExT-less ones for us with dual-freq already? Was going to pick up the Lifestyle today, but I got shortchanged on my pay :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel ya. Hindsight made me realize I should have got the lifestyle bundle first. :pensive:

The xm1 and xg3 together cost more than than that bundle alone, but it is a big number to swallow.

I want them, but I also don’t need another spark. It is just way more for your buck.

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Yeah, normally I wouldn’t mind paying the extra, but having so many items that will go unused is kinda lame. Not to mention that it’d be hell to re-sell them in NZ :stuck_out_tongue:


I understand if this wouldn’t work, as I have never ran a store, but what if one day he added a customized kit option? Like you go through and pick things, and he has it change the price accordingly?

Might enable people to build their own kit, say if they wanted to buy 1 NeXT, 1xM1, 1 xG3, 1 xSIID

That way if you don’t need accessories, he could save on having them made, and if you don’t need a spark, an implant doesn’t go to waste.

I will talk to my wife and see if she wants one. I am extremely doubtful she will, as she has less of a need than me. If she does, I will DM you and we can go in on a kit together if ya want.

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A custom kit would be awesome, but I imagine it’d be a lot of work on the backend.

I’d be down to go in on a kit together, only problem would be the shipping price to NZ…


Yeah, it likely would be. But who knows, say 5 years from now, his company grows and he is looking for new ideas on how to sell. Maybe he will think back to this thread, if he sees it. I am sure he will without tagging him.

Hey Amal! Hope all is well!

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Well, the store uses WooCommerce which I don’t have much personal experience with, but most modern CMS platforms allow that kind of functionality as a very easy thing to just drop-in. The biggest difficulty then is coming up with a discount tier system that’s still fair to the partners who get bulk pricing, but that’s really not too hard either just requires time. Unfortunately, I don’t think Amal has that free time.

I am willing to bet that you could reach out to M. Swanson and she’d find a fair deal for you.


Is it bad that I don’t really know who M. Swanson is? :stuck_out_tongue:


A great customer service rep:


Oh, I do know Michelle! Didn’t know her last name :stuck_out_tongue:


Obviously this is coming from a privileged position that I understand doesn’t apply to everyone.

But I want DT and other companies I like to have funds to continue to inovate so I am more than happy to pay full price.


In fairness, you are a UNIQUE one, especially now.
Prior to the NExT being available it was not uncommon for people to have an xNT and and xEM.
In reality, you would have been better off getting a NExT. Not from a hindsight point of view but more from practicality.
If I was in your situation I would still get the NExT and either install it also OR remove the xNT and/or the xEM to free up space.
That is the beauty of the NExT, one implant twice the capability in one location.

Correct, unfortunately for you, your implant choices are in the minority.

I can’t reccomend highly enough… plan for the future, not for the now.
Think not only for what you have but what you want, work out what you will use the most give that the best location.
What you may want “down the line” allocate that space to it for when you have it.


That’s interesting, I kinda figured xEM+xNT would still be the majority, especially considering the Cyborg kit sale. I don’t regret it though - part of me prefers having LF and HF on different hands, and besides, I’m not planning to get as many implants as Vicarious :wink:


The main thing I think would be worth while for DT to set up.

A “prosumer” option of some kind that comes with less extras. I have 4 DT diagnostic cards and 5 X Field Detectors. And I assume I’ll eventually have more. I’ll give them to friends etc so they can maybe get hooked on RFID technology but it seems wasteful. Hell I had diagnostic cards before I even heard of DT from other RFID stuff.

Alternatively: Stretch goal - DIY DT Diagnostic Card Playing Cards

Perhaps the X FD and card could be a package that is “free with any implant”, might be a simple way of setting it up. Although I’m sure @amal and @mdanger have thought about stuff like this.


[stares at my XFD earrings] so… field detector fashion line?


If I didn’t already have a necklace I’m very attached to I’d love an XFD necklace


I mean… my XFD earrings just have a loop on the end, so you could attach one to a necklace :thinking:


Yeah that’s what I was thinking.

I considered a bangle but I imagine if crush it on a table or something


This pretty much.

I guess if I was in your shoes, I would just reach out. But then again, I feel bad enough asking for my military discount at home depot, so I doubt I will ask here.


Not really, at least not since the release of the NExT.
The Cyborg Transformation Kit sale is only very recent, but yeah, I get your point.

THAT is the most important thing anyway

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