Xg3 and haptic feedback with flexAR

Me neither. I love metric, and I mostly think in metric for anything serious - and quickly switch to metric when a measurement I give needs some precision. But for the purpose of chatting or giving a rough idea of something, I still think better in standard. And it often rolls off the tongue better than SI units. And if you don’t believe me, I’ll beat you to within a centimeter of your life :slight_smile:

Let me give you one then.
From freezing to boiling in both units.
Celsius 0-100, there are 100 units spanning that temp range.
Fahrenheiht 32-212, there are 180 units spanning the same temp range.

The Fahrenheiht scale is almost twice as specific as a result. Resulting in a much more accurate measurement.

Both systems are good, just not always as good as the other in a particular objective.

The same can be said for using fractionals vs decimals. You just can’t do 1/3 justice by converting it to .33333333333333333333333, same for π, or e, or Agrovado’s number, or a bunch of other mathematical concepts. On the other hand, 1/10 is a lot harder to deal with than .1

Arguing over which one is better is a little like arguing chocalate vs. vanilla.


Copypasta that explains reasons SI is better *in every way* ;P

1…Because metric is simple and consistent. There is only one meter and one kilometer and one liter…Unlike the mile (3 miles, international mile, US Survey mile, nautical mile.) and two gallons (Imperial gallon and US gallon) metric is simple and less confusing, fewer errors, less cost.

2…Because it dramatically reduces conversion factors in calculations. Less time doing calculations, fewer errors, less wastage in material and time, less cost.

3…Because metric prefix’s enable whole numbers only. Avoiding decimal fractions and missinteruptation and errors.

4…Because metric offers units from very large to very small.

5…Because metric dimensions are easier to divide by three.

6…Because it has links between related measurements.

7…Because it uses logical symbols.

8…Because it is the only properly maintained system.

9…Because practically everyone uses it. For more than 95% of the world population, the metric system is the customary system of units, and for more than half of the industrialized world, it has been for at least a century.

Also I beleive that the metric system is better than Imperial measures because…

The metric system is a system. The metric system is the only measurement method ever developed as a complete system. All previous attempts used random developments at different places, at different times, and for different purposes.

The metric system is universal. The metric system has been gradually adopted by all of the world’s people. Despite often-vigorous opposition, the metric system has always been successful.

The metric system is coherent. Because the metric system was developed as a complete system, it was possible to design it so that it has an internal consistency. Its internal coherence means that if you learn one part of the metric system you can easily extend your knowledge to all other parts.

The metric system is capable. All crafts, trades, and professions can successfully use the metric system. Although the structure of the metric system is quite simple, it can be used in every human activity.

The metric system is equitable. The metric system is fair and just to all who use it. The metric system is simple. The metric system uses only 7 base units and 22 units with special names — 29 units in all. There are now only 20 old measures left that are non-SI units currently accepted for use with the International System.

The metric system is supported. International treaties and research keep the metric system modern and forward looking.

The metric system is fundamental. The metric system is the only system used internationally. It is now fundamental to all measurements, both old and new.

The metric system is unique. The metric system is unique because: it was planned; it is decimal; it has prefixes; and it is human in scale. It is unique because there has never been a measuring system like it.

The metric system is legal. Legislation in every country in the world supports the metric system. It is often the sole method of measurement recognised by governments. International agreements also support the metric system so that contracts written in metric units have validity across international borders.

user wjong on reddit; https://www.reddit.com/r/PKA/comments/2ghqnj/why_metric_is_better_than_imperial/


I’m of the opinion that for most use cases metric is superior. Although, as an American I’m way more comfortable with “standard”. I do think that there are some significant downsides. One being the lack of a foot equivalent. I think decimeters should be in use far more often because of this. The lack of an in-between unit from cm to meters is a pain. Also, I think that Fahrenheit as stated up the thread is a better unit for subjective temperature. It’s way more intuitive for weather and climate stuff. I will say that metric is #1 for any scientific stuff and standard just gets clunky.

I see it as arrogance more than insulting.

Yes it is A standard.
But should not be THE standard

It’s like a world championship in a sport that only one country plays

Well it’s the usual “Fuck you we’re American” attitude. Nothing new there.

At some point after it’s too late, they’ll realize they’ve shot themselves in the foot, that the rest of the world has moved on and pretty much ignored them, and they’ve let themselves slide into irrelevance. And I’m not just referring to measurement units.

That particular boat has sailed centuries ago :slight_smile:

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Hey I didn’t name it, and that’s one of the names :man_shrugging:t2:
…I find it quite amusing however…

Screw that, that’s Dangerously close to being taken seriously lol

There’s a good video on YouTube explaining that botched orbital insertion, it’s a lot more complicated than “dude a used feet, dude be used meters”

Had to do with inch oz vs inch Newton’s I believe in regards to attitude control, along with rotation from solar wind and the inability to verify position very precisely, everytime they made an adjustment it was always close enough to look correct but the deviation built each time

This is why my brain likes to think in THOU for precision, it’s also easier numerically

Something slightly small

Something kinda small

Very precise

From one perspective it’s more accurate from another it isn’t, it’s all that damn dirty decimal point

If there was a “metric machining” unit that was
.635 instead of 6.35 that would make my brain happier but here we are

The reason we like thou’s is the reason you like Metric

Everything above 1” I’ll agree is garbage
12 inches in a foot, and 3 feet in a yard and
1760 yards in a mile. Terrible

But .250 > 6.35

I still hold that machinists are a large reason for the pushback,

It’s a number system they have been using for decades, it’s their internal language at this point, and very importantly, a LOT of investment in physical stuff like gage blocks, micrometers, drill bit sets, end mills that might not translate to metric

And I’m not talking the cheap hobby stuff, I remember working with an old pro, and he showed me some of his ridiculous measurement stuff that cost 10,000, only worked for standard, stuff he worked his career to get

And then someone comes along as says we aren’t using that anymore, it’s this thing? Yea he’s gunna be stubborn , and that’s just one of his measurement devices, don’t want to even know how much it would cost him to convert his machines and buy all new measurement equipment

There’s also the idea that when “the switch” happens it will be painful and there will be some transitional errors that happen

So it gets punted down the road

I’m not saying metic is wrong or standard is right,
But it’s far more complicated than, Americans are assholes and count funny

Hey you know what? I got me an idea. What if we used some separator symbol - say, a dot or a comma, and right of that, we write a digit that represents a fraction of a unit?

Like for example, we could write 30.5C. That would make the centigrade scale 5.5x more accurate than boring old Fahrenheit.

And THEN we could add another digit after the first extra digit on the right and make it 55x more accurate!

Genius! I’m so going to the patent office tomorrow.

Chocalate! CHOCALATE!!!