Yet another advice on my chosen implant location thread

Don’t laugh at my photoshop skills.

Here is a pic of where I am considering placing the white bundle, with the spark in my thumb.

The brown dots are the edge of my bone.

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I have my NExT in position 4, on the back of my hand. It is perfect - much more convenient for readers than the xM1 I have in position 0 (the typical webbing between thumb and index finger.)

I’m really happy with the setup. I use the NExT most often, and it works great where I have to bring my hand to the reader (as opposed to a phone where I can move the reader easily around the chip.)

The xM1 I use for hotel keys when I travel, which is more sporadic and the more tricky hand positioning for a good read isn’t a constant issue.

The Apex will go on the knife edge of the hand when it comes out…

For your placement, what if you used spots 0, 2, and 4? That may give good spacing, depending on your hand. And it wold put two chips on the back of your hand which is definitely my preferred placement for actual use.


Would spot 4 not be too close for the apex?

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It looks like I should be able to get about 3cm between the NExT at position 4 and the implant on the edge of my hand. One will be further back toward my wrist (still on the hand) which adds space. I think that should be fine… But, I’m debating using the #4 spot on the opposite hand anyway.

I’ve still got to decide if I’m going to go for the flex, which may also influence my decision.

sorry, I laughed… but not at you… “photoshop skills” was a perfect humor game.


WHEN we get it working I plan on continuing this project anyway.

Thanks, that is very helpful.
I think I will discuss it with the piercer when I go, def 0 and 2, then 6, 7 or 1 of the last chip.

Will that not collide with the NExT in pos 4? EDIT: Apparently I had not refreshed this page for hours, this conversation has been had.

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Damn it, this thread is having be second (or third, or maybe like 14 by now? ) guessing my position choices and maybe I should put the Spark 2 I’ve got in like position 3 or 4 instead of my in forearm? Only thing I’m wondering is how noticeable it would be in my fairly large, but thin hands. feels like it might be pretty visible? Not sure if that’s a deal breaker for me or not though…

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I def have room in 6 and 7 spots, I just am paranoid about having them on the digits. I do lots of weights at the gym and sail tall ships so they get beaten up at times

Where on earth are you sailing tall ships nowadays?

Go a taste for it in Australia and there is the Maritime Museum of San Diego and the Las Angeles Maritime Institute both have volunteering opportunities on there tall ships and are reasonably close to me.

Ok thats cool, I’d totally do that as well.

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in the green mark you will never be able to practice any martial art or punch someone’s car to defend yourself from aggression as it will hurt the inside of your hand and you risk the chip having displacement and inflammation problems.
In short, if you hit too hard you will have to remove it.

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Relay you think punching would be an issue? I box (and I am a big guys so I have some power) so that would be a concern but usually in wraps and gloves so not sure if it would impact me much. Anyone had any issues with this placement and sports involving punching?

Lastly, if I don’t fight like that as a hobby, and it was in self defense, that is a risk you just have to take. Would you rather fight back, or get whooped just taking it?

Edit to leave in what I didn’t misunderstand.

I do not strike with the top of my hand, any angle of punch that would result in a direct hit to the chip would also 100% cause me to break my wrist and again I have hand wraps under boxing gloves.

But yeah if it was self defense a issue with the chip would be the last thing on my mind frankly.

I dunno about punching, but backhanded pimp-slapping would be out for sure. I suspect that’s not a deal breaker for most, but just sayin’…


Interesting defence :oncoming_automobile:

I box, and have had Zero issues, with our without wraps, with or without gloves. :boxing_glove:
Even during a wrist lock you can have a thumb placed directly on the ( NExT & Spark in my case) and it wasn’t even noticed by the other person and I didn’t even feel or think about it.

Anyway, that is my opinion and actual experiences


What positions do you have implants in @Pilgrimsmaster? This seems like a post that belongs in the notable discussions on my wiki :smiley: and that info would really help

In that case I move that we all adopt this form of slapping our enemy’s

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