ZINC :zinc: Android NFC cyborg multitool development

Yeah I haven’t played the game but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t look very modern. Which is ironic for something supposedly futuristic :thinking:
I guess it supposed to be cyberpunky, not realistic futurist. Hence the neon and very busy style.
Personally I think of futuristic as minimalist and slick.
I do like the cyberpunk style but it feels like 70’s futurism.

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I know that part of the design philosophy of the menus had to do with the dark, gloomy, and bloody life of the character you play as and those you meet.

Without spoiling much, the character you play as is “dealing with some stuff” and at some point their consciousness is actively dying, leading to the red, almost bloody menus.

It doesn’t help that you can optionally have metal coated bones and replace your entire face, so at some point the almost medical xray view turns into nightmare fuel.

As far as the rest of the game goes, I absolutely agree. That is what it was kinda based on.

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I was a bit disappointed that you couldn’t go full Adam Smasher in that game…

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