ZINC :zinc: Android NFC cyborg multitool development

The top one is a flexdf2 (ev2) or Tesla flex… both the same form factor… the bottom one is a flexdf (ev1)


Writing some documentation for ZINC :

Looking for feedback :grin:


The flipper is coming in handy


ZINC wrote its very first NDEF message today.

Also should ZINC have a little cyborg/robot companion mascot thingy?

  • Yes
  • Nope

0 voters




I apologize for my NSFW photo above, here’s one where he’s got some clothes on.

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I had this kind of face in mind
images (1)
As for the body I like the idea of the second one, teddy bear ish


Just a suggestion for a robot icon…


The more I look at the app and the UI design the more it makes me think of a sci fi lab genetics tank, alien style or some glass see through tablet. Maybe I’ll lean into that :thinking:

The robot ideas will actually come in handy for the first nfc based game :shushing_face:


I’ve been working on the NDEF features lately and I must say they’re an interesting challenge. I’m trying to figure out the most intuitive way to manage them. Something that’s easy for beginners but also fully fledged for advanced users. But most of all I want it to be expandable, allowing me to add new ndef types over time…

On the more technical side I finally wrapped my head around the different parts of an ndef record and I’m experimenting with the best way to process all that in code.

I’m reading and writing them successfully, so that’s cool!


I’m sorry the cases aren’t there yet. I’ll call USPS tomorrow and try to get a new ETA. Was supposed to be 6-10 days, and tomorrow will be day 20. :angry:

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Based on the tracking they should be flying from France to here rn. I’m not surprised that’s pretty much my experience with every package I’ve sent or received :man_shrugging: not your fault :wink:


Maybe it’s worth paying extra for faster service lol
Now I know!

Eh, depends on the company. I’m not super familiar with usps. I know DHL is usually a bit less terrible.

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USPS gains a point for letting you choose what hold music you listen to, but looses 1 points for not being able to see if the package has left from the last facility it was processed at, and looses 1 point for France saying it takes them 1 month to process inquiries on packages.
Note to self, use DHL for international shipping!
Again, my apologies Az and everyone waiting for a Pico!

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Sure but… What music did you choose?

Also @everyoneWhoPreorderedAPico you’ll get a little something extra thanks to @Hamspiced :shushing_face:


World beats, there was no metal option :frowning:
I can’t wait to see what the surprise is!

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Yo, this is gonna take a min. I havent had time to work on the files yet.

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Don’t worry USPS has you covered :joy:


I can prepare them if you want, lmk :wink: