ZINC :zinc: Android NFC cyborg multitool development

Hell yeah! That’s awesome!


Thought this deserved a little bump
images (1) (23)

Now I can do my own, I’m loving the App.

Even though I don’t have any biomagnets, there are plenty of other functions, some still under development that I’m looking forward to.

I really like the “My Upgrades function” as shown by @invalid_signal above

and here to save you scrolling up

Just remember, if you use the “My Upgrades function” , take a copy / screenshot etc. Just in case

If you’re interested in the app

heres the wishlist for google play when its oficially released


If you cant wait, heres the PatreonBETAEarlyAdopterCan’tWaitToGetMyHandsOnThisAppPunIntendedLink



Depending on your Patreon level, you can get a PURDY Coloured Lodestone


More Info Here


This looks promising. I was planning on adding a “sensory substitution” trainer feature to ZINC where you can sense voice or music or some other data and train your brain to interpret it.
If possible it will have a toggle for playing it on speaker simultaneously.
I also want to try something: remap the 0-20000Hz of an audio signal to 0-500z to hopefully compress all the information into the sensing range. Hopefully in realtime with FFTs and stuff.
Or at least bring down the higher frequencies a bit, maybe not the full spectrum.


ZINC’s Power scan now supports xLEDs* and has vastly better performance :grin: :vertical_traffic_light:

*Check the wiki


That is absolutely awesome!!!
When people are curious about the magnets, I show them my xSIID and I like to find the sweet spot which is a little difficult with the OtterBox on my phone, but I find the sweet spot and rotate the phone so the LED dies, then glows again, then dies, to show that the LED is actually under the skin and not from the phone as I’ve had people think before. This makes it so much easier finding the sweet spot, then can move the phone farther away from the implant to really show that the LED is under the skin lol
I know some people don’t care about blinkies, and some live for blinkies, but I think it’s useful and I say don’t depreciate it. Or at least leave a button or gesture or something to use that feature if you take it away from Power Scan. Might be a niche feature, but it’s very useful to me and I just used it IRL!


Take what away? The previous way it worked? I could have both.

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I don’t like what this implies…

Maybe it’s all the previous “We’ve gotta talk…” texts, but I don’t like the ellipses.

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Ahh I get it! I was talking about he 30sec limit not about the feature itself :wink:
I put a 30sec timer so that someone doesn’t use it and then forget it on for hours and accidentally fry their phone’s nfc hardware (if that’s even a thing). But if it turns out to be harmless or if people want more time I might have an option to turn the safety off. That’s what I meant

Edit: I fixed the wording, thanks for pointing it out :wink:


Haha nice, glad to hear!
I’m not sure if frying the NFC chipset is a thing. Would be interesting to know. I’m sure it’s difficult to do if you’re using proper equipment, but phones aren’t known to use proper equipment for peripherals afaik.

I’ll definitely try with an old one but with every phone being different you can never be sure. I’d rather put a limit, rather than finding out through angry users :sweat_smile:

I know the flipper has an issue with that but I don’t think they do I the way I do.

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Lol yeah, I think the flipper might have less fail safes than a cell phone for NFC.
But if you’d like a beta tester to try and fuck shit up, I’ve been trying that already with your app XD
Also, I noticed your app doesn’t take me to the Google review when I click on the review pop up.
Figured I wouldn’t leave a review til you release it publicly, but if you have already fixed…nevermind…left a 5 star review now lol


A small update today, addressing some bugs you reported as well as some optimizations.
If you have a slow internet connection you will now get some information on the features while they’re loading.
The app should also consume less battery now.


The bug is dead! :cockroach: :foot:t3: and all features are available and working well.
Thank you.


Yay for bug squashing! Updated and confirmed that everything I had seen is working as expected.

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I have the loadstone pico units here!! Store listing coming soon™


I just want to say how much I love this app. Honestly when I demo what my implants can do I use NFC Tools and Zinc.

Zinc’s Powerscan feature has been monumental for me in two aspects.

  1. I can show off the power harvesting feature of the XSIID to get it to light up

  2. I can learn the exact proper place to position my hand to get the perfect read.

Thanks @Az_F for this. Appreciate the work that has gone into this project


Thanks! That really motivated me to keep going! I have some new stuff coming, mostly related to magnet testing and the My Upgrades profile. Soon :crossed_fingers:


I just realized I might be able to do a simplified version of my AR magnet feedback idea where the hand is in a fixed position relative to the phone’s camera. Instead of moving the hand around you move both.
Not as intuitive but it might be fun to play with while we wait for some decent open-source hand tracking on android.

Something like:

  • hold your phone in front of you, camera is on and an outline of a finger is in the center of the screen.
  • match the outline with your magnet finger and keep that position.
  • walk around, feel virtual objects

With a PICO, the hand holding the phone would also be the one pointing so I might have to play with fov and/or project it forward to get an interesting visual


The online database for magnet test results is coming along (now using influxDB). When that’s done the plan is to finish implementing the Vivokey Auth API in my NFC lib and in the app itself.

The question is what would YOU like to see next?

  • Further NFC support (applets, vivokey, other tags, better memory dump, operations)
  • Further Magnet tests and analytics (with the PICO)
  • NFC-based games
  • Magnet-based experiments/games with AR (prev. post)
  • Magnet-based brain-plasticity training features
  • Specific NFC tools
  • New better lodestone
0 voters

Hey that’s awesome man!

Do you have your library published somewhere? I actually just finished up an NFC library for Android that implements the Auth API as well.