6 more implants installed at once, lots of associated questions and planning


And keep us updated once your hand allows you to! :wink:

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Done and sitting on the couch for a while

Green thing is a cold rice thing, feels glorious


Heeey, glad you got it all done! Relax and take your time, no need to do a ton of typing with fresh implants :wink:
Wish you all the best!

The beauty of putting the all in the and being tight handed :sunglasses:

Think I have video of all 6 going in

L11 hurt the most probably, surprisingly the xg3 in the arm was a close second, much tougher skin wanted to fight big needle

Install went great besides L11 is not for the faint of heart

Really gotta get my installer on the list of installers


Decided to grab some collagen vitamins

Figured collagen is all I’m really after

But holy crap the recommended dose is pretty intense
6x 1000mgs a day

I think 2 is fine lol

I know I should be, but I just tried sticking a paper clip to the xg3 and it barely sticks… really hoping it’s swelling and not too deep

Good choice on the minion plasters, Minions are known to have magical kisses for any Boo boos
if they don’t heal you nothing will.

unnamed (55)

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I brought my own but the installer enjoys them and never disagree with the person about to stab you lol

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Forgot to mention we both forgot about the safety clip for second implant, we joked that the xg3 not having a clip made us forget

Edited to add better video


Well done!

Looking forward to hearing about the healing!

that bruise is also looking good! and the hand is less swollen than it could be!

Seems like you’re off to a good start!

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Safety clip? Do you mean the needle cover, and if so do any of them not have that?

It could also just be that the xG3 v1 isn’t super strong to begin with… the Titan should be as strong or stronger. There’s an xG3 v2 which should be much stronger / better for lifting than both, but also probably worse at sensing.

And yes, it’s probably pretty swollen, so give it a rest for a while :slight_smile:

I look forward to seeing all you do with your new implants, and your full experiences with each location.

Oh no it’s a thing, it’s been mentioned a lot, and both the installer and myself knew to check for it

There’s a little clip installed on the plunger that prevents it from being pushed

You wanna take that off before the needle is in the skin lol

Installer remedied it no sweat, but it was a “oh yea duh” moment for both of us lol

The xg3 apparently didn’t have one so we forgot since it didn’t need to be removed from that one first

Watch my previous video at 2:45

Day 1,
Spent most of the day on the couch with my arm up, ice was great for easing the mild burn for the first 2 hours, 4 hours in no pain, just sore and swollen
Timely doses of ibuprofen, wrapped before bed to give a bit of protection as I’m a “active sleeper” lol

Day 2,
Have a useable hand again,
Semi back to normal
spent literally 9 hours helping a friend unfuckulate his 3D printer (wait till he gets my bill)
Forgot All about the vitamins, taking some before bed and will take 3 doses I think a day

Fairly happy with locations so far, haven’t bonked or leaned weirdly on anything, seems like it would take a lot

…I already ANOTHER x series … (dammit)
in my left hand now, as I realized I could squeeze a LF xled in my last finger canyon without it causing interference, so then I have Hf and lf leds for embedded diagnostic card lol

Also, not having second thoughts… I fucking want the payment flex and I’m going to do it either way
…but I’m getting a bit nervous of how much that suckers gunna hurt, I might look into self injecting lido if that’s still a thing

Wrapping hand for protection again tonight,


Glad to see it’s going well!
And also glad to see you getting resolute!! :partying_face:

I am definitely not a good reference, but I feel nothing from a wedge flex after implantation.

I bet the Numbing Gel should do the trick. Flex implants might damage a larger area but they are also far more superficial than xSeries. So topic anaesthetics should be enough…

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Not worried about after, the going in, and going the 2 inches deep from entrance or so, that’s not a quick in and out kinda pinch, that will be prolonged

I think the root of my worry is, that side of my hand still has some nerve damage, not the numb kind, but the hyper sensitive, sort of feels like raw skin kind

So I’m concerned it’ll feel a bit sharper

I notice the pain management kit is out of stock, wonder if that’s temporary or permanent

If so gel is my only real option I guess

Oh… yeah…

Good luck!

Think the only advice I can give is… bring something leathery and sturdy to bite on.
Very old-tech, yet effective.
Focusing on the biting reduces the chance of involuntary movement elsewhere, Helps you focus away form the pain, and the feeling from all the facial nerves near the strongly clenched jaw will be shooting up enough signals up your brain that it should cause some of the pain signals being received to simple be “discarded” by the brain.

Similar concept to why it is so easy to spot a vibrant coloured dot in midst of a pastel-faded background, but really hard to find the only black spot in a vibrant multicoloured background. (hope this comparison made any sense to you)

I seriously hope you’re joking :upside_down_face:

But your explanation makes me think your not

I am actually not joking. :sweat_smile:

Anaesthetics tend to wear off fairly quickly on me if I let an adrenaline response kick in… So I picked up some rather unconventional tricks over the years, and that one is surprisingly effective. :laughing:

It’s obviously not compatible with the “Zen out-of body” mindset… but most people can’t reach that level of detachment.


If you dont want to go down the BDSM path (I’m pretty sure that is what @Eyeux is suggesting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :zipper_mouth_face:)




NOW I see why you guys thought I was joking! :rofl:

This was one of those cases where something stupid got normalized by constant “clinical” use to the point I didn’t even realised how that sounded! :sweat_smile:

The bitey trick was quite common for scarification / branding / suspension clients who wanted a less chemical approach to pain management as well…

Ironically enough, I was joking that you were joking, I was prety sure you were serious… What ever works for you :grin:

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