Calling on the Dangeorus Army to watch videos

It’s working!



Who thinks we will be able to reach the 4000h mark by the end of this month? We all just need to keep watching at the rate we are now :money_mouth_face:

Just as an idea @amal maybe you could upload some yt shorts of people using their implant like the ones shared on the other thread if they give you permission to do so and we can get the algorithm to spread it to more people.


Great idea!!!


I have some shorts on my channel :slight_smile:

Interesting. I usually keep mine in my dresser :laughing:

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Gonna play it in the background while I do anything today

Im clicking on random videos to watch (most of which I’m not actually watching but leaving playing on the background). I’m not using playlists, I’m manually clicking on them, idk but hopefully that helps. I think I’ve contributed about 2 hours.


If playlists work then I should be at ~35h. I just leave them running in the background on my workstation at the office, which is on 24/7 anyways

I doubt YT doesn’t detect that, and I doubt it’s good for monitization and “the algorithm”.

I’m doing my part!

Odd that apple tv doesn’t show the whole screen… it’s zoomed in a bit, truncating the edges of the video.

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So, 900 hours to go.

Here’s an idea: instead of finding plenty of people to watch plenty of short clips, why don’t you create a slow TV show of something or other vaguely DT-related and get 50 to 100 people to watch that one piece instead?

Like a camera trained on your lawn, film that for many hours (maybe with some climatic lawn mowing event strategically happening in the middle), loop some royalty-free ambient music over it, entitle it “Dangerous grass growing” and upload that to Youtube.

I’m a huge fan of slow TV. It’s really a thing. Here are some good shows:

And my fav: Tokyo Reverse:

That’s just the trailer though, the full video has disappeared apparently, but the fabulous 9 hour live music performance it still available here:


I like this idea. Perhaps a stream from the shop?

Well that’s one other thing I wanted to suggest, but I figured it might reveal too much of the goings on in the DT lab - not to mention, give burglars a good idea of when it’s a good time to clean out the place.


ahhhh that is fair. A stream or long recording is a great idea though.

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The train one was added to my watch later. It looks so calming…

I found the full Tokyo Reverse video on Vimeo! I’d reupload it on YouTube as well just to have it somewhere else, but idk about the copyright and whatnot. Might do it anyways tho :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s awesome… it kinda loses the effect when you can see a full shot including his feet, but overall it’s pretty convincing.

Quite off topic, but a little on topic of long videos

Several months ago, I decided to set up a GoPro near an active railroad. I mounted it to a tree that can be accessed at a public park/forest (so don’t worry, I’m not trespassing or anything). I recorded it for about 23 hours on 720p 30fps. I uploaded that on YouTube.

I was thinking of live streaming, kind of like Virtual Railfan. But I couldn’t figure out how I can, as I’m not going to pay for cellular data, and there is no public wifi signal (or maybe I should get an old satellite dish and use that as an antenna and borrow someone’s public wifi). Another thing is I’m worried someone would steal the camera (ride a commuter train while watching the stream and you will figure out the approximate location of the setup). Unlikely to happen but possible.

But a couple months ago, that channel got hacked by a scammer spamming scam piracy websites and free Bitcoin scams, and it got terminated. I really don’t get why someone needs to hack a channel with just 8 subscribers. Yes I appealed and explained I got hacked and there really wast much I could have done, but they declined it. Thankfully it was my alt Google account and not my main Google account.

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it was a bot :wink:

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I remember watching an interview of the guy in the video saying he had to train for quite some time to walk backward in such a way that it looked realistic when played in reverse - including fighting the urge to look back to see where he was going. Also… 9 hours of it. I pity him :slight_smile:

I still use the soundtrack in my bike when I go long-distance cycle-touring: it puts me in the zone, and I know it so well by now that I can tell how far I have left to go for the day before reaching the campsite just by listening to the particular tune playing at any given moment.

I feel like I’d just wear the camera on your back and watch the capture on your phone or some kind of second screen…

edit… derp nvm I Misunderstood what I was looking at in my 3 seconds of watching

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