Church of transhumanism

Does Buddhism covered by that? That is also a non-exclusive religion by my best knowledge. You can be a buddhist and be christian according to a lecture I listened before.

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Itā€™s not the religion thatā€™s covered, itā€™s the organization that represents it. If the US buddhist organizations / nonprofits require you to be exclusively member of that religion, they qualify. That doesnā€™t mean members arenā€™t free to do what they want.

That sort of restriction isnā€™t limited to the US. For instance, in France, all religions must have a representative body that the government can discuss issues with. Thatā€™s a problem with Islam, that typically doesnā€™t have a pyramidal organization with a head, or president, like the Catholic church does for example. As a result, thereā€™s a formal Muslim faith organization thatā€™s only found in France, just to comply with the law.

Makes sense. You enlightened me again!

Not too sure about that, but Iā€™ve been around, so if I can help, my pleasure :slight_smile:

Rosco, UK regulations are one of the least specific things you can read. After browsing .gov websites your writing feels enlighting =) belive it or not!

In all the countries Iā€™ve lived in, reading any government paper left me more confused after I was done than before I started :slight_smile: With the exception of Finland, perhaps.

Not only those, though they lead to the most obvious problems, of course. But just the idea of an ā€œalmightyā€ god or goddess, watching over the people, declaring whatā€™s right or wrongā€¦ all just an invention of people with nice (or rather, not-so-nice) ideas. Take christianity, for example - poking a beehive as well, I know, but it is so incredibly anti-human, and those beliefs have been empowered for thousands of years and made the lives of people miserable. That just ainā€™t good. People have been ashamed of, for example, their sexuality for two thousand years. And christianity is not the only religion behaving in such an anti-human way, you find that in most religionsā€¦
Itā€™s definitely less in the older, polytheistic religions, where the gods were much more human, where they had faults, where they had wild parties and sex and whatnot :wink:

Yep, thatā€™s what I mean - theyā€™re great, as a philosophical response to religion. But they donā€™t really qualify as religions themselves, because they lack several things that are required to keep a religion ā€œsteadyā€, and I think this might be similar with a church for transhumanism as well - I mean, transhumanism is already a philosophical school, so, how can it qualify as a religion as well?

edit: eh Roscoā€¦

what did you say once, great minds think alike? :wink:

True story! I felt the same about Finland.
ā€¦ you just gave me an ideaā€¦
I studied law by reading and understanding the Fin constitution. It really makes clear sense. Maybe I should do the same about religions to be able to contribute to this topic.
My Finnish is a bit rusty thoughā€¦ :S ā€¦ I dig in tonightā€”ā€ŗ

Most everything the Finnish authorities write (or the Finns in general) is concise and to the point, because the Finns havenā€™t got time for bullshit. If thereā€™s something that defines them, itā€™s that theyā€™re no time wasters, and while they display a high degree of polite silence when you waste theirs, they donā€™t like it much either.

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I clearly see why you chose that place to stayā€¦

Yeah I like them. Itā€™s not the easiest culture to get to know, but itā€™s worth knowing. What I keep wondering is how they put up with me, considering the amount of crap I talk :slight_smile:

Yes maā€™am :slight_smile:

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If anyone is researching ā€œrecent religionsā€, Iā€™d be remiss not to mention Dudeism. Iā€™m a Dudeist Monk, myself.

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illegal to discriminate against someone (applicant or employee) because of that personā€™s race, color, religion, sex

Remember: whenever some law of rule involves religion, you can subvert it by simply by making up religious beliefs.

But if it comes to arbitration, it still has to be credible. I.e. you still have to show that youā€™re a member of some actual religious organization, or that there are other followers. You can make a lot of shit up with religious beliefs, but if youā€™re the only believer, it doesnā€™t fly in court.

In your case, lo and behold, once again Amal has you covered: just say youā€™re a prospective member of the Church of Transhumanism:


Ya tried before but donations were paused. Tried again now donations still paused.

You donā€™t need to donate. You can use the fundraiserā€™s very existence to prove that your ā€œbeliefsā€ are shared by others, and you didnā€™t just make them up on the spot to abuse the EEO.

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Check out the church of body modification you could definitely sign up on account of your chips as long as you write a compelling message about how you worship by modifying your body. Whether it holds up in legal settings as religious discrimination I have no clue, but itā€™s a legal church.


Reading through this thread makes me kinda speechless in many ways.
We live in a world full of technology. Soon we (hopefully) see a better year 2021ā€¦this year will bring definitely even more new technologies to our planet. Like every year does. But a company who is forcing someone to remove helpful technology from the body looks more like they are still living in the stone age to meā€¦

Even if your case might not fall under any of the listed discrimination areas by now, things like that might become a clear point of discrimination in the upcoming future, because more and more people are using implants to unlock their stuff. The real problem behind all this, is that such companies might be starting to think that they can make decisions about OUR bodies as soon as they notice that we start to remove our implants as soon as they say soā€¦

Okay, in my company Iā€™m not allowed to have clearly visible tattoos or piercings, everything covered by clothes is okay, and small visible tattoos are allowed but should be covered by makeup during work. (In reality even most big names in the company have visible tattoos at least on their arms and they only cover them when the boss pays us a visit) Even if I donā€™t really like this point, I can understand it because as a security guard I must look very serious in some wayā€¦so a funny tattoo in the face maybe would be not the best idea thenā€¦
But since such chips are not really visible itā€™s truly only the point that your company donā€™t trust the whole technology behind your implantsā€¦ Damnā€¦ Hard to tell what I would do in this case, but if you say

I understand that. BUTā€¦

Maybe they were a good company onceā€¦that seems to be not the case anymore if they force you to cut out implantsā€¦ If you do it for them, what will they request next time from you?!

Maybe interesting enough the company I work for is directly connected to the militaryā€¦ (I decided to donā€™t go more in detail here) but even our district manager and many others I know for many years now have implants to unlock their cars, some of them even unlock their security patrol cars with chip implants! So no problem here, even if we are the companies security team with such implants.

I didnā€™t know this before, because I switched to this job in January this year, but my Site manager, that I know from my previous job in the same company, unlocked his patrol car one day directly in front of me with his hand. I asked him and he told me about his chips. He told me also about all others in the company who are using the same implants. (Found out that he has a xNT, Spark 2 and a NExT! )
Funny enough, he explained to me that they are using these chips because they are much more secure than any other keyā€¦ And you company see them as a security riskā€¦strange world that we are living inā€¦

Oh and BTW: Thanks to @Mariarangok for the link to the church of body modification. Truly interesting, and definitely what I was looking for quite a whileā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope that Amal tries to continue the launch of the church of transhumanismā€¦ (The best time for it is exactly now!) Since this forum is such a great crowdfunding community and especially because this case here is a clear sign that people like us are already getting discriminated for what we use to make our daily lives a lot better and easierā€¦ Not sure if a church would really help in things like this, but maybe it would help to get some more attention for our problems. At least it would fit for religious discrimination. In the near future we might need new laws to protect our personal rights from companies like that one you are working forā€¦ Things like that could happen to everyone here in the forum, so we should really work together to get our personal rights protected by something more officialā€¦


Iā€™m officially affected by that as well - Iā€™m working in sales and officially, no visible tattoos and no visible piercings except for one ring per ear (!) are allowed.
Seriously, I think this is hilarious as well. Yep, some people may not like the way I look (currently showing 15 piercings in my face and earsā€¦), but they will keep on shopping in our shop no matter how I look, as long as I am friendly and competent. I seriously donā€™t like the looks of lots of sales persons I see, and I still buy my stuff there, for I just donā€™t give a fuck at allā€¦

This might be one of the very few cases where I can understand that restrictionā€¦ but I still donā€™t agree with it! :wink:

Agree on that, and I think it should be equally impossible to discriminate against people because of tattoos, piercings or the haircutā€¦ things like that are important, are a way to show your personality, and not something you can change only for your time at work (like wearing special clothes or such). So it has an effect on your private life, and I think thatā€™s simply not okay. When I read that guys at UPS are not allowed to have a beard, I think this is just so absurd it just canā€™t be legalā€¦ and it definitely shouldnā€™t be.

In the US, this is easier - in Germany, itā€™s very hard to be officially acknowledged as a church. Even the Church of Satan, which is an official religious thing in the US (and I believe in the Netherlands as well?), is not a church over here, and you canā€™t blame people for religious discrimination if they try to throw you off your school because of it :wink: Believe me, tried it out :smile:

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Hmm, not quite: Amalā€™s on holiday. Even prophets need a break every once in a while, otherwise they get very cross. Just ask Jesusā€¦