Come on down to crazy Amal's flex-o-ramma-ramma!

seconded… NXP came up with the “NFC Type Mifare” bullshit thing… it’s a play on the NFC forum’s defined NFC types (type 1-5 currently) … but it’s all marketing bullshit… and the reason this will never be a standard NFC “type” has to do with NXP and their ridiculous licensing… see… crypto1 is fucking crap, we all know that… but to properly support mifare “classic” type chips, one needs to understand how the sector trailers work with their access bits and keys… and so rather than letting that just be open for anyone, NXP requires a license to interact with their crypto1 bullshit on the chip… and nobody in the phone world wanted to bother with that nonsense… so they said “ok, if you put our reader chip inside the phone, we will attach a mifare license to that hardware purchase and you can read and interact with the memory of our mifare chips” … so, Android decided “ok sure, if the reader chip is NXP we will enable the NFC Type MIFARE on the phone.” … but like, not all phones use NXP reader chips, which is why phones with, say, a broadcom NFC chip, can get the ID of a mifare “classic” chip, but not read any of the memory… that’s because the ISO14443A standard requires the chips to respond with their ID to field queries in order to support the SELECT command and set up a session with the PICC… but beyond that, zero memory reading support is allowed.


Iamrobot did this already to clue 2 fingernailstickers to the payment chip.

The payment conversion from DT is about 0,4 mm . How thick would this be with the fingernail stickers

the LED on the nail sticker creates the need for some resin overtop… it creates a kind of a bump… probably the max thickness at this point would be about 1mm… haven’t measured it officially yet, but will do next time.

What if you put this “booster” coil on your phone instead? Just curious if this might be helpful for fixed readers without needing to make a full-on patch antenna. My hunch is no, not much improvement… because the point is that the x-series antenna is in very close proximity to the booster coil… but thought it might make finding the “sweet spot” easier.

I’ll give it a shot tomorrow - it’s at the lab right now. But I doubt it’ll work, seeing as though it only worked when placed at precisely the right spot on my hand.

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so I’ve been exploring these and actually there are interesting issues haha… so basically, i can make a line of them oriented somewhat perpendicular to the flexNT and flexDF antennas, but not parallel… and they cannot overlap as that just tosses a shitload of magnetic field bending bullshit into the mix… so what we end up with is something like this…

At least half the flexDF antenna has to hang over and outside the loops of the LEDs… otherwise is ends up reducing the range by half… which means overall your size is going to be pretty damn wide… like 20mm wide by 38mm long or so… ouchy.


Interesting… Did the DF increase the range of the fingernails? I assume yes given I can not see the reader?

actually since both antennas are about the same performance, the best combination simply keeps things the same… other arrangements only reduce performance.

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trick of the camera… it’s under the table which is kinda thin…

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Yeah that seems non ideal. Was already fairly big… Sent you a PM with further thoughts.


The coil on the phone does increase the range a bit, but at the cost of having to present the chip exactly right and at the right angle. Makes sense actually.

Also, I made this guy this morning:

It’s a sort of staggered loops coil. It don’t work half bad either, and it’s less finicky to place over the implant. As long as the ladder rungs intersect it perpendicularly, it works okay.


looks similar to the vimpay microcard coils

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Ok, I’ve just read the whole thread and OH MY GOSH
I am gonna simp over LED flexNExT and Apex Flex, I wanted to do flex upgrade (currently only x implants) in the future but this is insane, really.
Would it possibly fit, comfortably on the back of the hand? Will it be official product, or only non-LED version?

depends on your hand i suppose… but probably.

not sure yet… still playing around… but i think the LEDs might be an option.

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"Lemme just try everything at the same time, because why not…"


What is that beautiful contraption :heart_eyes:



I’ll take twelfty!

