COVID-19 projects

There is a word that doesn’t get used enough


Its more I have some blood vessels in the area that I would rather avoid and well let’s say I am accident prone… very accident prone…



How can any of you hold out?

I had my NeXT installed and written to within about 45mins of the post man giving it to me.

Also, what you got there from cyanide & happiness? Used to read their strips loads


It’s Trial by Trolley, which I have yet to have a chance to play, since going out to visit folks to play games is… tricky right now hahaha

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To be faiiiir.

The one I have yet to do in L0 is the xLED. That needle looks like a beast. So I did 2 of 3 yesterday after I got them. No pain today, just a bit of swelling over the spark.

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yeeeeeeah I’m not SUPER looking forward to that xLED, especially since I think I’ll likely get that done at the same time as the NExT (side by side ish). Better to have someone else just cram them both in nice and quick then me fiddling with clips and everything I think. As annoying as waiting is…

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@SammichBrad @NiamhAstra

giphy (12)




I decided against an xLED as I might not want to make it obvious I am unlocking the door with an embedded chip. Deviant had a fun story about pretending to scan a guest badge while using his implant with swiped creds from a employee to access a server room.


Yes that was a good war story of Devs…

I am also not into the Blinky ( :smile: thanks @Dean , it lives on ) HOWEVER in saying that, if there was a 2in1 HF / LF xLED, I would get one


Hey good point. I think you just made me realize may put mine in my arm instead.

At this point I’d honestly be disappointed if it didn’t continue XD

And do you mean it lights up at both LF and HF? @amal that sounds surprisingly possible, pretty sure you should make it happen, because blinky…

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Ya it’s kinda like a tatoo and I’m not to sure I’d like the same color as time goes on. I’ve been thinking about it as a cool effect for my magic trick idea, but still it just seems like a huge commitment to a color. Idk maybe I’m weird.


It might be possible to have a RGB led that you can change the colour by modifying some sort of config values on a chip




I’d guess it would have some hidden complexity. Specifically with dual frequency readers, you might have to worry about over powering the LED. Might not be an issue with the voltage an current we get from a reader but it would be a consideration.

In my mind, and very simplistically broken down;
It would just be a NExT with LEDs in place of the NTAG and ATA chips

@amal would have the answers as to its actual complexity


Ohh so 2 led’s, that makes sense. I was picturing 2 coils, 1 led, meaning if both got power it might cause issues. 2 led’s would also let you have a HF and LF color.

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Just put it in my arm. What a feeling.


My goodness mate, you really don’t fuck around lol.
