Does anyone have VR or be interested in VR content?


Wow, you have put in a lot of time.
That looks awesome :ok_hand:

Goddamnit I gotta get in there… I honestly haven’t even seen it yet… I’m a terrible CEO :frowning:


@RyuuzakiJulio awesome work! Can I have an invite? Username: roboticdaniel

Latest update

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I made it public. Here is the link for the world:

They are running updates and now PC and Mac users can enter as well in 2D

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A little late to the party here, but I got an Oculus Quest 2 from my work for Christmas, and it’s been pretty great. I tried a lot of stuff out at first, but I get motion sick pretty easy. I mostly just use it to play Beat Saber now :joy:

Welcome to the club :grimacing:
I really think about ordering such a VR treatmill, has anyone tried that out yet? Guess it should work well against motion sickness, since you actually move again :wink:

We mentioned a lot of stuff in the other thread
But try a fan pointing at you,
Turn up hz if you can, quest 2 should have 90/120 options now
Use a mat to help you localize yourself
Use vineyette features when moving as this limits your peripheral vision which is the root of a lot of your motion sickness

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Oculus Quest 2 owner here as well! I love it. I replaced my HTC Vive with it due to convenience. lol.

I’m yet another Quest 2 owner… And I might be addicted to VR and VRChat…

In fact, I’m a mirror dweller and I’m not afraid to say it. Now if I could only get the body that I want IRL. This stuff is great to hack your self perception, self image, etc…

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why does the bigger altspace world stopped wotking on the Quest2

i can’t teleport to the other one (elevator)

I have the Quest 2 as well. It’s fantastic though I wish it were balanced a bit better on my head. It’s a bit too weighty to keep on my head for long periods of time.

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Have you looked into aftermarket straps?
(Not the elite strap, it breaks)

The one I have had a little bit of heft and a bicycle helmet ratchet

Some even use a removable battery pack for ballast

I use something like this, which does help a bit, but the weight does wear me down after an hour or so.

Sounds like you need to go on a Mike Tyson neck training course.


Literally what I have,

So is the issue total weight, or balance

I would say it’s mainly the balance. In order to keep it from sliding, I need to tighten the back more than I’d like.

That being said, my neck could also probably stand to be stronger :sweat_smile:

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Valve Index, vr stuff would be cool.

Just a heads up star wars squadrons, which is vr compatible and great with a joystick

Is currently free on ea games

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