flexEM positioning and chat

I have a few ideas for placement. So far I think right wrist about a hands breadth back from the wrist.
Mainly as the area has good pading, minimal tension and I could easily use the tag even if I am holding something like a heavy box.


I get all of that but I still can’t decide :sweat_smile:

Another thing I don’t get is why tension is bad? Is it a movement thing.

I think I’m going for the back of my right hand so that if I clone a card to it and I’m using it for nefarious purposes (pen testing or the such) I can swipe my issued card and the door will open :wink:


My guess is that it is a (in this case) inflexible disk under your skin. Pulling skin tight over it will cause it to either bend or put pressure on the skin along the edges. With the other flex chips that have well some flex to them I believe it is because they are only semi flexible so long term flexion will likely cause kinking.


I’d say this is a no go, I had to remove my watch after installing my flexM1 in my ledt hand due to the watch pushing at the implant causing pain, I’ll give it a go when my thumb is healed (and also the implant), but atm the watch will get tangled up in my bandage and the encapsulattation is not done yet, so it results in pain :sweat_smile:

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Well also using an implant under a watch is not going to work unless you want to remove it when you want to use it.


Totally agree to avoid under a watch
:watch: :syringe: :no_entry_sign:

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Don’t worry, great minds at work:

Idea for a Watch Implant


@Sijaka would you mind posting a picture of your hand with a flexEM implant?
I’d be curious to see the exact location you chose. Thanks :pray:

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My choice was between move my watch to other wrist or mount flex in other wrist. I think I’m going to go:
FlexEM right hand
Apex flex in right blade


For cold I fall back on either of my grandpa’s sayings it’s a tit bit nippley if it’s chilly and colder than a witches titty if it’s really cold, never really knew why a witches tit would be cold but it’s fun to watch my wife roll her eyes everytime I say it :joy:.


Here Is my thread @franskav :slightly_smiling_face:


Just my thought on this location. The first concern is that the area will not offer a flat enough surface area for the flexEM to lay flat inside of. Curves in tissue that create a radius around the implant area will cause tension in the skin, and that will cause pinching sensations, possibly pain, and potentially (if bad enough) necrosis and rejection.

The second concern is tissue margin. You will need plenty of extra flat space in the tissue around the flexEM for placement. This is because installers will attempt to perfectly place your device, however the oddities of working with tissue in this way mean that getting an implant (particularly a larger flex implant) to lay exactly where you want it and stay there during healing, is very unlikely.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll find another spot then.

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@amal would it be bad for me to install a flexEM towards the bottom (not palm side) of my hand? I understand it’s generally recommended to not place on top of bones but just curious since I know there were a few people who went for top of the hand on flexNExT

Are you talking “above” your wrist

I THINK that will come down to your own anatomy.

I just had a look at mine, after bending and flexing, I think the only place it would be physically comfortable for me would be here!


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I thought the counter intuitive instruction was flex’s are better on top of bones

flexEM isn’t a standard flex remember - it’s actually rigid

it’s just that it doesn’t matter like x-series is all… not necessarily “better”

That’s quite exactly where I was thinking. Good on ya

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Any more thoughts on this location? Has anyone done it yet? Putting some serious thought into one in each hand. Looks like a good spot.

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