Flipper Bluetooth ALMOST Connects

Well if you REALLY want to, there are ways my friend…

I think unleashed may have been the first to unlock regional restrictions

Pretty much Implant things
The LF and HF antenna work really well with implants, as in surprisingly well.

It is awesome for any LF stuff, read, write, emulate

HF I use it for Mifare Classic gen1a stuff, and other reading and emulating.

I wrote this “Mifare how to”

Before following this one, read through it first. There is a shortcut that becomes apparent toward the end.

I occasionally use it for it’s other functionalities, YouTube will give you heaps of examples ( Take some with a pinch of salt, they are misleading unless you know how the tech works )

I actually liked all the non-stock Firmwares, and early on some had better things over others.
eg. Unleased with the regional SubGHz restrictions removed.
Now, most have the same stuff, but what sold me on xTreme was the clean install, all the non polished apps were removed, so the apps you had on your flipper, you knew would work.
The GUI was an improvement over the others.
The updates were frequent enough for me, some were more frequent, but not necessarily an improvement, so I found xTreme to be more reliable.

Some people mentioned xTreme crashing, however I never saw that.

The “Flipper Thread” is over 700 posts, but worth a read if you have the time to play catch up

My best advice is, try them all, its pretty simple to do and once you do it the first time, you’ll see how easy it actually is.

In fairness, I haven’t tried the others for a while, they may be “better”…

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