Flipper Zero - Kickstarter RFID/RF/BLE/USB/IR



It’s not everything they said it would be just yet, they are working on getting there, but I’ve noticed the updates have slowed from one every couple of days to one every couple weeks. It’s functionality is still rather limited at this point so your not missing too much.

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Thanks buddy, yeah, I’m only joking, I don’t mind really.

I have been keeping an eye on it and know it has some room for capability updates
I don’t NEED it, its just a toy, but it will go eveywhere with me when it can write to xM1’s and FlexM1’s

I was wishing I had mine with me yesterday… I would have loved to have turned the TV in the waiting area in the hospital off.


Saw an email from Flipper, got super excited, but now, less so…
What an emotional roller coaster


here’s the update anyway


Saw that they linked my video in that post/email, super cool :slight_smile:


I was just going to say…

A cool and detailed video review @DarthDomo.

Maybe they just forgot about New Zealand?


Haha, yep that happens.

I’m actually going to be overseas when it is due to be delivered, so even if I do get it, it will be even later than expected



What’s it’s name?


Not great, not the worst.

Thinking I might sell mine. It was advertised to have all these cool features but they don’t. You have to be a programmer and program the stuff you want to use. Everytime I ask for help, I get the same answer: “Code it yourself”. No idea how to code or where to start and not getting any help from the community because I’m a “script kiddie” lol I guess gatekeepers are everywhere. I’m not smart but I saved up the money to buy this cool tool becauase they advertised it to be easy to use and that it does a lot. This was false advertising

I’ve only gotten to use mine for a day or two but from what I can see so far it is quite easy to use and for the moment it isn’t entirely flushed out on the features and functions. I expect the community will help expedite those things. It is unfortunate about the gatekeepers they do tend to be everywhere. I haven’t looked at doing the programming stuff on it yet but the LF RFID read, write, and emulate works for a couple specific types of LF cards. The IR remote copy and replay work really well too. I need to find some remotes that run on 433MHz to try doing a copy and replay on.

I personally am not all that good at programming. I know enough to be able to cobble stuff together. Other people here can probably help you out with whatever it is you are trying to do.

i spend a lot of time in the rfid/nfc channels on the discord and have only said these kinds of things when they expect wildly outlandish abiltiies or shit on the fact that something does not yet exist.

in the advertising it does what it says it does, everything else is being actively developed on both officially and by community members. people are told to go do it themsleves when they scream and shout about a feature that is very hard to implement like high frequency emulation and writing. with the resources in the device its a much harder task.

if you have any specific requests for the device or need workarounds let me know because i have a few implemented upgrades in my pocket.

It mostly has to do with the sub-ghz section. It shows in the ad that there is a jammer and it easily bruteforces all rolling codes. This is something the Flipper can definitely do and even the devs said it was possible. So there are things it can do that the devs won’t add and requires the community to provide them. The community is creating some cool things but you have to be a programmer to add them to the firmware. I am often told to read the READ.ME but it always has little to no information about how to install it. Maybe if I was a programmer I could decipher the small read me file and turn it into a full walkthrough.

I am trying to add the TouchTunes universal remote and was told to read the readme but it barely said anything. Idk how to compile and I have never used docker. I don’t know any programming languages. Am I screwed?

i know it looks toy-like but its been said from the start its not something you can pick up and play with if youve never experienced the features before. its not a learning and research tool to help you gain more info. it provides a service for the formally acquainted.

if youve never self compiled and dont know how to use docker youve got two options, learn those things or use the precompiled dfu files.

if youre still sure about selling it feel free to hmu ive got buyers and friends who want them

I would prefer to keep it but my concern is that I am not smart enough to use it. Really wish they would have geared their advertisements for programmers ONLY

if you want more user-friendly help feel free to dm me on discord, id prefer if you kept it and learned to love it like so many other have
