heres one for all you mifare classic/xm1/flexm1 fans out there
me and bettse are working on implementing mfkey32v2 into the flipper. bettse has already created a PR to collect mifare classic nonces that will allow us to calculate keys for sectors, currently the calculation takes place off-device with information gathered from the flipper in emulation mode
but this will soon change as ill be neatly packaging the whole thing into an on-flipper GUI plugin that will, for lack of a better word, allow the flipper to sniff for keys.
for more information on nonces being used to calculate sector keys feel free to drop me a DM so i can bomb you with resources and writeups
there is still a ways to go with this but the “soon tm” is that mifare classic emulation, full emulation will go without a hitch since getting keys will be no problem
write support is a heavy-handed task for sure. hardware supports it but as development goes (unofficial always since the official devs have put the idea of writing on the very back burner) we’ve had to consider
NTAG type 2 // ultralight write support and all the APDU specific that it entails for each different format, considering the presence of lock bytes and keys for ULC etc. also NDEF stuff
Mifare classic 1,2,4k write support and all of THAT apdu specific support considering all 32+ keys, access bit configuration, and then ofc GEN1/GEN2 support for magic which is its whole own beast not to mention ndef
desfire write is never gonna happen because who tf needs to write to desfire ever
on the equipflip repo (nice name i know I’m so cool) I’ve got gen1a write support done but it is shakier than a 15 year old chihuahua.
Im talking out of my butt here, but I’ve been wondering if would be possible to read tags with the flipper and send the raw data to the phone over bt and do the processing on the phone, most smartphone are pretty powerful nowadays …
it’s entirely possible to do it that way it’s just difficult to run mfkey32v2 on a phone unless it’s node wrapped and web hosted (something we are looking into right now) it won’t be necessary to crack off device for much longer but is the system we have in place to make cracking accessible as soon as possible
ive made an mfkey32v2 standalone tool with instructions on self nonce cracking with the flipper (or if you’ve got your own emulator and debug tool). feel free to give it try with your flippers and let me know if there’s any problems.
also kind of off topic. i also made a x64 x32 x32v2 version for at home cracking anyways since mfkey hasn’t been standalone implemented its usually just a tool used in other places.
Yeah, me too - your other interpretation is quite a cool one as well, but I guess I stick with “O-Land”
And yep, it’s a cool thing for sure! I’m totally surprised how well it picks up xSeries, even with the silicon bumper… and I already use it to annoy my beloved one when we’re watching TV
AND Irrelevant of all of that, I don’t have a Flipper with which to compare it to…So why are you rubbing salt in the wound @ThePolishedTurd ?
GEEZ you’re so mean, I thought you were a nice guy
I know the flipper number zero has the line through it, I saw it on another flipper image, but I couldn’t give you shit if I admitted that straight away