Harassment for being a cyborg?

I’d love to say how evil this sounds but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t fantasized about playing pranks like this when I get my FlexNExT :sob:

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My new coworker and I had to work together the whole day today. I had to train him on one of the production machines. Bad luck, it’s in a temperature chamber, it was kind of hot inside and we were wearing short sleeve shirts.

I could see he kept glancing discreetly at my arm with a slightly worried look. Eventually I stopped, extended my arm and said “Look, just have a proper look and get it over with already.”

He did, decided it didn’t look so terrible after all, then asked if he could see the blinkies again. I obliged and whipped out the cellphone. He didn’t look so well, but he said it was okay - whatever floated my boat.

And then he got curious and asked whether the lights came in different colors. I said yes, mine are yellow. So he asked why they looked red. Why, that’s the blood of course.

And the barfing resumed :slight_smile:

He’s not quite there yet…


You know Rosco you’re quite an interesting person. I’d love to buy you a pint and just shoot the shit for a few hours.


Heh thanks. Not sure why, but thanks. I’d like nothing better than to have a drink with you, but it might be a bit difficult. However, if you’ll have something now, so will I :slight_smile:

Sadly U.S. law prevents me :wink: so if my BAC goes up in the next few minutes I’m not sure where from.

You at work?

I kinda assumed that he’s just a bit too young :wink:

Just got off actually I’m currently in Uni

Yeah I’m 18

Jeezus, I spent most of my uni years intoxicated… Don’t tell me they test for blood alcohol at uni now.

Thankfully no not unless you’re found intoxicated or with alcohol in your possession. But it is entirely barred from campus we aren’t even allowed to have empty bottles in our rooms.

Hmm, times a-changing I guess :slight_smile:


I find the alcohol thing in America insanely funny. Like for gods sake, you can die for your country before having your first pint.
I much prefer central Europe’s lax views on this issue: Austria has 16 for beer & wine, and 18 for hard liquor (in Vienna, 16 for everything). Makes everything much less complicated, and we’re only the second in Europe in the number of minors hospitalized for alcohol poisoning. :slight_smile:

In Belgium, they have beers for kids. Low alcohol, like 1 / 1.5%. But they groom them early :slight_smile:

Also Off Topic

Yeah I find it quite annoying that I got a letter in the mail saying I’d lose all my financial aid if I didn’t register for selective service (the draft for non americans) but I wasn’t even able to smoke a cigar on my 18th birthday because they changed that to 21 as well. So it’s kinda just like
Me to government: "Can i get a beer or maybe a cigarette anything?
Government: “Mmmmmm best I can do is war.”

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Yep. Some things haven’t changed.

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No worries though once I’m out of uni I’ll be under a separate countries jurisdiction free to drink and smoke as i please.

Ah yes, tafelbier. Favourite drink since the medieval times :slight_smile:

before covid:
Chipimplants are perfect to scare people away :joy:

I got into the train, took a seat in the near of a rsble, put my computer on the desk - a person was watching me, ge was sitting on the other side of the aisle.
I unlocked my computer with the implant…
He jumped of and moved away… :joy:

Very crowded train. A women took the seat next to me. I unlocked my phone with my implant. I got a clnfusey look - she stood up and took sn other seat. :joy:

Maybe this people think, that the implants can move to them :joy:

Ok on tiktok I just troll tve fanatics back:

When they write : “mark of the beast” to my clips with the payment chip. (its in my left hand) I write them:

Go back to school and learn the difference between left & right.

Hopefully you don’t have a driving licence - its dangerous if you don’t know left abd right.


Honestly, I’ve never heard of that problem before I stumbled across this forum (though I know of people referring to the barcode as the mark of the beast…^^), but by now it makes me want to tattoo a big, fat 666 onto my right hand. Hell, why do they all take that stuff so literally?