All I can figure is that Hornady is using a different frequency than what is industry standard.
Some additional info, My Diagnostic card works. I double checked it with my phone afterwards. I couldn’t for the life of me get a hold of Hornady to get my question answered. Even after filling out their ridiculous requirements to send them an email (They wanted my home address, phone number, etc. None of which I gave them).
oh man that’s a bummer. I have an older model and it does work… but only just kinda… it’s not what I would call “convenient” to use with an implant… maybe if the implant was on the knife edge of my hand or between pinky and ring metacarpals it would be easier… but I can confirm I can get it to work fairly reliably with my xEM… but to show just how difficult it can be, I recorded this video with a NExT in a tube with antiseptic solution… it takes very specific placement… and at a 45 degree angle which is unexpected.
If you cannot get it to work at all, I would consider a “safe swap”… I don’t use this except for demos.
I appreciate it my man, but the wonky angle kind of turns me off of this brand of safe in general. I think I’m just gonna return this guy and look around for something else.
It seems like the concept of RFID/NFC safes is pretty new. How hard do you think it would be to bypass the keypad on a safe with one of your relay kits?