LED/glowing microchip?

Great. Thank you for the insight.

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Tritium also gets dimmer with time


Should I be able to scan it thru the bag?(the inner paper not plastic outer) donā€™t exactly want to implant it and see :slight_smile:

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If you are talking about the xLED included in our kits, this is not an implant. There should be a sticker on the packaging that says as such. The xLED has no chip, so you cannot ā€œscanā€ it, you can only energize it and the LED inside will glow, but nothing will happen with the reader or phone because there is no chip.

We have created an implantable xLED now that comes inside a needle, but the xLEDs that come with products in a plastic bag are not implantable.

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I explained it super wrong,

It is the new xLED (from like 2 weeks (19 posts) ago), in a needle
The needle is in a paper ā€œbagā€ inside a bigger plastic ā€œbag"
I know it doesnt ā€œscanā€ I guess I mean activate (light up) when read.

Sorry I explained it real loosely.

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Ah no prob. The xLED is inside the needle and thus cannot be energized. Some LF devices can be energized inside their needles using specific antennas, but the skin effect stops that from being possible with HF devices.

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great. Didnt expect the answer could be that positive
thanks for making such safe theys


YES!!! I definitely would buy that!

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Absolutely ! I wanted to buy FireFly butā€¦ its disappeared :frowning:


weā€™re working on some ideasā€¦


Iā€™ve just ordered the xLED and am excited to implant. It will be a practical choice for me because I use my Apple Watch currently to make payments and wear it on my left wrist. Iā€™m going to implant the xLED in my left hand on the medial side near the thumb. Out of habit I place my hand on the reader while waiting to roll my watch face toward the screen so just doing what I already do will allow me to see when the reader is ready without waiting on the cashier to tell me.

I also have a FireFly V2 and wish it were brighter. Iā€™d love to know if thereā€™s any way that is possible. Keeping an eye out on these forums for updates to the FFV2 and colored xLED or xLED with capacitance.


Is the Firefly still for sale anywhere? The website where Google led me too, I couldnā€™t find on the sight.

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Unless you ā€œNEEDā€ one right now, you should probably wait.
From the forums, Amal has indicated there are a few things in the works and likely on their way.
DT is always reliability over function, so hopefully it is what you are after.


I wasnā€™t aware! Id much rather buy DT.


Oh wow, youā€™re right. It looks like Alex isnā€™t selling fireflies ATM. I know he was supposed to be working on another revision (v3 I guess). Maybe he ran down his stock of v2s and heā€™s done with it for now.

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Frankly Iā€™m not that impressed with the FireFly V2. I donā€™t know that tritium will ever be powerful enough in any configuration for my liking. I would jump for joy if we could energize an LED with some amount of capacitance so it stays illuminated for a small span of time.

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Every LED stays illuminated for ā€œa small span of timeā€, itā€™s just that the span is not on human timescales. It comes down to how long is long enough for it to be worth it, and how big is the capacitor that you would need to store that much charge


Ok guysā€¦ you askedā€¦ we have an extremely small run of these (just 15!) and itā€™s a hidden productā€¦ so the only way anyone will know about it is from this post;


The funny thing is, these were accidentally put into VivoKey sterilization pouches hah but they are a Dangerous Things product for sure.


Thats fucking cool. Unfortunately I cant go ham on gadgets at the moment since Iā€™m moving. Hopefully these wont be a one-shot.

Quick question, since its through decay, whats the half life of that amount of material?


12.3 years :slight_smile: