(****) Locker and cabinet lock AliExpress

Aaaannndd…I couldn’t wait

All I could muster magnet wise was
2 x (25mm x 12.5mm x 3mm)
1 x (15mm ø x 3mm)

There was definitely strong magnetic attraction to the inside gubbins , and I rubbed it all over like a pervert for about 10mins but a couldn’t trip the solenoid.

So without a larger magnet, nothing conclusive unfortunately.

Probably good enough,

I know I mentioned pistol safe, but to clarify that isn’t something I consider to be “security” but more “convenience” level

Like bedroom when I sleeping or in my car once I figure out how/where to hard mount in this car

Mind making a video of it in use?

No problem.
It will be difficult to show since its not mounted on anything.

It just releases the clutch on the cam and allows it to spin.

I’ll see what I can do…actually, I just had an idea how to do it.

give me a sec

Not the best, but it should give you an idea.
The range on the fob is similar (slightly better at 10mm) to the FlexM1 and FlexNT at 8mm.

I needed hands to operate phone camera and the lock

Range 10mm


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Ok so on authorization you grab and spin the entire face of the lock?

Thats exactly how it works.

Nice one figuring that out from my shitty video. :+1:
The bit I spun in the video remains stationary when mounted. The “lever” and lock body rotate.

I’d love to take credit but I already saw a couple that worked similarly, so I had an idea already lol

@Eriequiet , I was reminded by @BozLynkD 's visit, that I re-tested this lock with my decent magnets, and good news - They Failed





All in all, It’s actually a pretty good little lock

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I ordered one of these. It should be here this week and I’ll report as to whether or not it works with my xSIID

I think that you meant CR2450, but the product page says that it uses a CR2032. Can you confirm which battery it takes? I plan on picking some up before it arrives

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I am currently away, so I dont have access at the moment.
And yeah, good catch CR2450 ( I’ll update my review post, thanks )

I never measured the cavity, but it looked larger than a 2032, but I also didnt try a 2032, so :man_shrugging:

I will be away for another 3 days, but I will check when I get back and let you know if you don’t already have yours.

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Mine came in last night and you are correct. It definitely does NOT take a 2032, despite what their product page says.

I attempted to register my xSIID to the thing but wasn’t able to. Though to be fair, my xSIID is in L0 position and I just installed a xEM also in L0 3 days ago so there’s some swelling. I’m having a hard time reading my xSIID my with phone and even with my KBR1. I’ll try again in a week or so

I’m also fairly convinced I received a faulty unit. The thing looks pretty beat up, and the green unlock icon flashes at all times. Though it does seem to unlock reliably with the included tag. It’s unfortunate because I planned on installing the thing on my toolbox at work, but I fear the constant blinking unlock icon will drain the battery pretty fast

Bugger, an option could be to strap a powerbank to the toolbox and run off that.
But you will have the cable to deal with…not ideal.


Tape a spare battery to the tool box ( to keep handy ) take a note of install date a d let it run dry to test expexted battery life?


So I discovered that the thing DOES in fact use a 2450 battery (good eye). When running off the battery, I don’t have the blinking LED issue that I had while running off of USB power. I’m still not able to use my xSIID with it though. I installed it on my toolbox at work and I’m using the keytag for now until I implant my NExT

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Awesome, thanks for the update and contributing to the review


I hope it puts out enough power for the NExT to read off the battery

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I’ve had some luck using CR2032 batteries in things that require the slightly larger and hard to find cells. However, this reduces the battery life significantly and could potentially reduce the range in this case.

Are there any regular RFID locks? As in this:


Couldn’t really find any reliable ones.

So far the only options we’ve seen that ACTUALLY WORK with implants are either kinda garbage like the EGEE smart touch… Deviant Ollam has a good video showing it’s many failings… it usually opens… but it isn’t secure as it only uses I think 2 numbers of the uid

Or The other option was something @anon3825968 picked up to try out, but it comes in at something like 350€ and it’s pretty chunky, and still kinda seems like it could be defeated by hitting the “smart” section sideways

There’s also the eeoo padlock, I had zero success with it ever opening but some people did I think? Or maybe just rosco

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I’ve tested this lock, and was able to get in by tapping it with a mallet to bounce the locking pin out the way.

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Yeah, this is by no means a lock replacement for a safe, Its for keeping your kids out of the liquor cabinet or dildo drawer.

I’m a little surprised at this, I wonder if the tapping loosens the single screw holding the latch, Maybe a couple of drops of loctite would prevent that :man_shrugging:

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Anything with spring latches will inherently be vulnerable to some sort of impact attack, since the actual latch is disconnected mechanically from the body that is struck

Sort of reverse bumping, instead of hitting a pin and letting it continue moving under its inertia,
You hit it and the latch tries to remain stationary due to its inertia while the body moves from the impact