Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

I live here my friend…


I don’t want to make fun of mentally ill people (at least not more or less than of anyone else). But currently, at least here in Germany, we have a big bunch of idiots who spin very funny conspiracy theories - and the stuff Mr. or Mrs. BabylonDestroyer wrote up there reminded me a lot of those people.
I honestly just can’t stand those people (actually work together with one of them :expressionless: ), and yes, I make fun of the stupid stuff they spread whenever I can. In Germany, they work together with far-right assholes and tried to storm the Reichstag building in Berlin…

Amal and his knobs, I tell you… :wink:

Only in your head

I do because these people genuinely need help, and need to be told so also.

I usually respond a few times, but just pretty much let them know they need help.

I find no fun in poking fun at them or messing with them for enjoyment.


My one and only question is “why tho?”

To what end is it that these implants are thought to have been done?

Are your movements so sus that it warrants a large scale, multi billion dollar operation to watch you pee?

And why you? What criteria is being used to have you on this elite list?

I personally have a hard time explaining to my wife why I PURPOSELY implanted some blinky lights and magnets into myself.

Ok so, that was more than one question, but it’s got me thinking while I’m pooping.

I am a clinical bipolar depressed aspie with add. I take A LOT. Of drugs to help.
Talk to your doctor about some mental help. The only thing “in your head” is probably a chemical imbalance.

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In addition to this simple, unanswerable question that should be enough to knock some sense in those who think they’re being watched, but apparently doesn’t, you can add a second one these days:

Why would the government / Google / aliens go to the trouble of implanting someone unbeknown to them - somehow in their sleep, or abducting them then returning them to their home without leaving any scar - when cellphones, smart TVs, payment terminals, internet browsers and CCTV cameras are everywhere and already demonstrably snitching on everybody anyway?

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… alexa, google home, nest, ring, samsung, huawei…

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Pretty much what Amal says here in the
" So you think you’ve been implanted against your will?"

Food for thought - why you?

Let’s think logically about your situation. Assume there is a shadowy conspiracy of some kind that developed extremely advanced technology capable of enabling the kind of effects you’re experiencing in people. The technology would be so advanced, it would be extremely valuable and likely very expensive to produce. Why then, would they bother using that technology just to mess with you? Why are you so special? Are you the president? A person in a particularly valuable position of power? What would be gained by spending all that effort on you? This is not meant as an insult, but simply a logical argument to illustrate why it would not make any sense to deploy such a powerful, expensive technology on any random person.

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It’s very much true and possible.aybe you guys should sit down with one like me and allow me to share with you my discoveries because I truly believe that I am currently a TI (Targeted individual) an im also a very strong minded person an can prove the things I speak on!! So for all of you that thinks it’s just in your head u need a doctor type are the very reason why ppl that’s actually victims of this crap never get the help they need!! To be so smart you lot are actually not. Always trying to say what is and whats not logical!!

So what makes you special enough to target?


We do this quite frequently actually, just look up there :arrow_double_up:

The problem is, it is always very cyclic :recycle:

You will claim things, as you have done above
We will all tell you that what you are saying is happening, is not possible.
You will go on to give more examples
we ask for proof of these claims,
You will fail to provide it, but continue to explain why you are targeted
We will explain you have paranoid schizophrenia, and you have a chemical imbalance in your brain and you need to seek professional help.
You will continue your narrative from the start
Until you finally get bored and move on because we are not telling you what you want to hear.

Yes, what is Logical plays a big part, but also what is and what is not possible is more important; All of the claims in this thread just aren’t possible.

That is the opposite of what we are trying to do, and why this thread exists
To all of them, and also to you.

Please get the help you truly need

Please share this proof, we are all very interested in advanced technology, IF it exists we would love to see it.
I am afraid we are already in the cycle, but hope you can prove us wrong.




People who perceive the world wrong are quite ready to throw simple logic out the window to explain why the world around them works the way they see it work.

My dad died believing my siblings and I had created a perfect copy of his house and all his belongings in it to make him look like he was mad and have him locked away, so we could get our grubby hands on his money, because his mental illness made him unable to recognize familiar things. He had constructed this complete fantasy of an explanation just to fit what his was perceiving. In a sense, his twisted perception of the world caused him to come up with his own matching twisted logic Quite amazing…

You can’t reason with people who don’t see the world as it truly is.


Yeah, unfortunately I am aware; I would just like to think that we can potentially catch one or two during a more lucid moment…That is my own delusion guess


I agree , sort of

I think there’s a bit of a line that once crossed, any hope for getting thru is a lost cause

I think that’s part of how the process goes in this thread,

someone pops up, and makes wild claims

We can’t really assume they are too far gone at this point, so we all kinda collectively chime in with device capability arguements, or why not just track your phone, or why even track you to begin with joe nobody

We expect the worst, but there’s a glimmer of hope because maybe we can talk a little sense into them

When they double down on the tin foil, and refuse to listen to us, That is when I think any serious conversation stops

But I don’t think they are a lost cause when they first post, depends how they respond


Totally agree - we need to take this as an attempt to reach out for help. They are taking the first step but seeking knowledge or understanding of what is happening to them.

Perception is reality.

Personally, I believe once engaged, there is an obligation to help until the problem is resolved, one way or the other.

To be frank, this is how I actually got interested in augmentations and implants. Through listening and researching the capabilities available. I have a couple of self installed simple gadgets and I am constantly researching and reviewing what my next upgrade will be. I welcome any information that leads me to where I too can get these things.
(But I’m a wuss and need to install it myself, I don’t want other people hearing me whine)

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Yeah. Having said that though, this here forum ain’t no psych ward, and none of us is under any obligation to treat the patients. Some of us just so happen to want to help, but ultimately we’re not professionals, and not everybody knows how to go about talking to a mental patient the right way.

Personally, I have no time for any of this. I’m exceptionally bad at dealing with anybody who’s not 100% rational, because reasoning with them feels like trying to grab a soap bar in a bathtub, and it’s maddening. I come here for the occasional entertainment value: most of the posts from mentally disturbed folks are pretty sad, but some of them are properly loonie and quite amusing.

Might be a bit of a derail, but just out of curiosity some long-discussed philosophical question: Do you think you can actually see the world “as it is”, or is it always altered by your own experiences, your body, your brain etc.? So that finally everyone sees a version of the world, but nobody can really claim to know “the” truth?

I’m making the same mistake sometimes, but usually such people are sooo deep within their own illusions, you can hardly reach through - I’ve got one of the conspiracy-theory-ladies at work, and it’s just impossible to use logic or arguments or anything like that when talking to her.

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I 100% get what you are saying, but

Remember, there are worse places to try and pick up the soap :soap:


Hmm wow, you’re a stickler for precision aren’t you? :slight_smile:

Okay, it was a bit of a shortcut. The world is nothing like humans see it. We see a tiny sliver of it, through the few sensory channels available to us, filtered by our animal nature.

But for a healthy human, there is a correct way to interpret what you see and hear, and an incorrect way. I believe I am a mentally sane individual because I hold in my brain an unbroken chain of causal experiences that don’t violate Occam’s razor.

The day I become insane, I will experience a breakdown in logic - i.e. what I perceive will not fit any explanation that doesn’t defy common sense or conflict with my previously held truths. I just hope to remain logical enough to apply Occam’s razor to whatever far-fetched explanation my brain will come up with to make sense of my skewed perception, and realize by myself that the breakdown in logic comes from within.

But so far, my “internal log” tells me what I perceive of the world and the logical explanation for it have not changed significantly since I can remember, and match that of a sane individual. More or less :slight_smile: