That’s true… and equally true, sadly, is that they sometimes are mutilated by the bosses behind this “beggar-business”. For the same reason, obviously, but far less voluntarily…
Regarding the girls, though - I was in Mosambique once (got family there), and at least there, a lot of girls get pregnant at 13-15 for the first time. Most of the time very involuntarily, obviously, but it happens.
I. could. never. ever. do. that.
Nah, not really coy, just a bit of a language-thing again… I sometimes use “private parts” (not its translation^^) in German as well, mostly because of a lack of better words. I mean, there are tons of funny or acceptable words for willies, but very few for pussies… And even the word pussy itself is so massively over-used in porn, that it’s not really comparable to willie or dick…
In German, I use “Mumu” most of the time (when not dirty-talking ), which is basically a “nickname” for the German word for pussy…
And wow, look at what a derail we have done again!
Oh, just something I forgot to answer to:
Mind to share it? And what are your plans for the second one?
I’m not fully sure what I’ll get. Something on the left shoulder going down on the arm. Something with electronic circuits, a bit like the scarification on your arm. I’ll discuss this with the tattoo artist.
BTW hello from Luttich in Belgium… I’m not very far from Cologne!
And beautiful it is! I like the clean looks of it, and it will fit a circuit-y tattoo on the other arm pretty well
I’d still love to see a circuit tattoo (or scarification) with little microdermals on it, I think it would look awesome…
So if you ever happen to need an artist for strange(r) stuff like big implants, scars, tongue splitting or whatever, I can surely recommend a nice guy to you
Ah yes! I knew it looked kinda familiar…
And the older stuff from Apop is actually very nice, I remember the time when “Eclipse” was played in pretty much every club here… hell, I’m getting old
Yep, that’s me
The Haworth-stuff is sold by Trust, but they do only wholesale, as far as I know - so it’s easiest if your artist just orders it there.
I had it implanted by the wonderful Arnulf at Stigmata Inc. in Cologne, he’s the guy who did my scarification as well and I just can’t recommend him enough. Nice guy, great artist and always fun to work with
The usual routine is you first ask for a consultation, where you talk about placement (since not every implant is possible everywhere - I had different plans initially ), risks, the procedure itself, and then you’ll get an appointment some weeks later - during that time, Arnulf orders the implant itself and you have some time to think about if you really want that done Normally, you do some sort of deposit, usually the price of the implant.
I don’t know how far you have to travel to cologne, but maybe you could skip the consultation, so you just pay some deposit and get there once everything is ready…
If you have any questions left about the implant, the procedure or anything else, feel free to ask
If it’s of any help - I absolutely love my implant! It’s nice and visible at day and nice and shiny at night
The install was pain-free and went pretty fast, healing time was a bit annoying (since the implant is placed above my tendons, it was a bit painful when using my hands - and, like I already said, my body hates sutures), but only for a short time - I’d say after a week or two, it was barely painful except for when I stretched my wrist a lot. After that, it’s totally well-behaved - no pain, no distraction or anything, even if I spend the day on my computer, typing a lot and resting my arm pretty much exactly on the implant.
So it’s implanted on the back side of the arm (if there is such a thing as a top and a back)? I remember having seen a pic of yours but can’t find it back. Are you into sport and especially weightlifting by any chance? I wonder how such an implant would impact lifting weights.
I strangely assumed it would be put on the top of the arm so showing up with the arm resting on a table or at a keyboard.
Thanks for the link, they show very nicely done bodymods!
I know I couldn’t cope with the pain of a scarification. Although I have a “fantasy” of a scar on the side of the head, going to the temple, “BJ Blazkowicz”-style :
There it is It’s an older pic without the scars, but you can see the glow there as well. So it’s on the lower side of my wrist, opposite to the “watch-place”, kinda. I guess the upper side would have been less annoying during healing time (because of no tendons there), but more prone to bump it somewhere… maybe, no clue
Yes, and he’s doing that stuff for decades now, so he’s pretty experienced. If that’s of interest to you, he learned this from Lukas Zpira and Haworth, quite some time ago.
I was always sure that I couldn’t either. I always wanted one, but I was soooo afraid of it! So I talked about that with Arnulf while he did the implant, and he was able to get that fear off of me, kinda.
If you want to get it done, go for it - some artists even work with numbing gel or such (@JPlowman has some experience with that). Arnulf doesn’t numb scarifications, because he says it makes skin kinda “wobbly”, but the pain is actually not that terrible. I’d say similar, maybe a bit “worse” than getting a tattoo, and there are obviously spots where it hurts more and others where it’s almost painless. Side of the head might be a bit more intense, but it should be bearable If you visit Arnulf, just talk to him about your ideas, he can surely tell you more!
Another thing to keep in mind, obviously, is that the placement you’re interested in might be pretty visible in daily life, so similar to a face tattoo or anything like that, be aware that it could lead to problems with employers and the like. And unlike a tattoo, scars can’t really be removed again
Damn, I totally forgot to answer that one… but, like @Eyeux already said,
Most sports I do is “in theory” as well But at work, I regularly lift more or less heavy boxes (okay, the worst is about 20kg…^^), and my implant is fine with that. I do some yoga and stuff, and for some time, stretching my wrist was an unpleasant thing to do. So I’d say, take some time to let it heal completely, after that I guess you’ll be fine. Especially since the implant is made of silicone - it’s soft, it has no edges or corners, and it moves a bit with your body.
No problem … I asked a lot of things, and you already gave a lot of answers!
You’re absolutely right! Well anyway, worse case scenario, if it’s too bothersome, I remove the implant and keep the scar as a souvenir . Are they easy to remove or do they bond to the flesh?
You nearly got me convinced! I have other stuff planned first (Walletmor and 2nd tattoo), but I put it on my list. And will surely make a trip to Cologne once or twice for it . Thanks again!
No problem at all - a little cut, and you can pop it out almost like a glassy implant. Arnulf did some removals as well, and even after several years it’s no problem (at least that’s what he said, I’m not planning to get my little glowy out )
Nah, I’m just making some recommendations Think it all through (it takes some time and money, and it’s a - little - surgery of course), but if you want to get it done, I can just tell you that I’m very happy with my artist. There surely are other great artists, but I just don’t have any experience with them, so I can just talk about the ones I met
Arnulf will definitely do some work on it again, some parts didn’t scar as much as they should… especially the part on the wrist, and that’s quite a surprise for me because it’s the spot with most movement and it bled quite a lot when he did it (so I guess cutting much deeper could be problematic). Well… we thought about getting it reworked in May, but my working schedule is a bit tricky, so I’m not sure if it all works out.
Not visible on the picture is how three-dimensional the scars already are - and funny enough, this varies from day to day. And of course they do not fade consistently, colour-wise
I’m not sure which part of my body to get done next (I guess I leave that decision to my artist^^), but it’s really interesting to see how differently scars develop on different parts of the body. Always learning more about myself
And now, what’s about all the other fun people here? @JPlowman , how’s your scarification going? @Backpackingvet , any news about your toenails? @SnarkBe , already got your second tattoo or more plans about a silicon implant?
Indeed - but I thought it would encourage hypertrophy as well, because, well, more tissue
But I’m totally okay with getting it reworked a bit, the procedure itself is fun… if there wasn’t that annoying aftercare…^^