Nope. Got since a temperature implant in the torso . And I’ll receive in the coming days a Walletmor, to be implanted at the same time as the xG3 I received 2 weeks ago.
I also play with a FreeStyle Libre CGM sensor for the moment. I’m not diabetic, it’s just to see how my body reacts to food, exercice, sleep, … but that could be a separate thread as it’s not bodmod .
Maybe there will be a small tattoo on the forearm at the same time as the 2 implants, the sigil:
But not the big circuit-y one I envision for the left shoulder/arm/top torso. I still need a bit of thoughts for that one. Thanks for asking!
I’ve seen the eye tattoos and thought it would be cool to have the “invisible” UV ink used for an eye tattoo. Haven’t looked much into eye tats in years, but following this topic closely lol
Okay, let’s take a look at two facts - 1) tattooing your eyeballs can already leave you blind, even if you go to the best available people who do it, just because, well, it’s freakin dangerous. Might be worth it, I don’t know, but risking to lose my eyesight is too much for me personally. And 2) all tattoo artists I asked about UV-ink told me that this stuff wasn’t exactly “safe”, at least not by German standards (that is, a 500% safety margin or such ). So I think tattooing your eyeballs is dangerous, and doing so with UV-ink might be reckless.
Still… damn, this would look sooo cool!
Though I like your UV-lenses as well - guess that’s a good compromise Are they available as sclera lenses yet, so they cover the whole eye?
Oh hell why did I click that link…
That’s quite an insane amount of lenses (and I’m a bit sad that I can’t stand the idea of putting something into my eye - but my husband might be interested, he wears black scleras from time to time) and, even worse, quite cool wigs! Thanks
Did you ever talk to some tattoo artist about the eyeball-idea? I know you’re Germany-based as well, so I’m quite curious about their reactions…^^
I think that these are probably the best way to create a “machinery under the skin” look, maybe with some matching tattoos. I would like to hear some ideas to get more inspiration about this.
Would the appearance without functionality be worth it for you? That’s always been the disconnect between the bodymod scene and grinders for me. I won’t do it just for the aesthetic
I do, but I don’t feel it’s a fair comparison. Tattoos are just adding pigment to your skin. They’re art for art’s sake, and everybody knows that going in. They were never meant to do anything. Enginerd specifically wanted to create a “machinery under the skin” look, which for me seems like a facade. The intention is to emulate their desire to be a cyborg/robot until they can actually do that. If that’s the endgoal then Silicone seems performative and hollow.
Side note, all of my current tattoos and the ones I want to get are plain text or reference information. Boring, I know, but you see the utilitarian angle I’m coming at this from. More a personal preference that doesn’t impact the discussion.
Thought about them myself, too… but I’m really unsure about where to put them
But what I can tell is that the quality is really good, it’s the same guy my power button is from. Really comfortable to wear once it’s all healed up, no edges or annoying spots, sturdy enough to be quite visible but soft enough not to make problems when you put pressure on them.
Where do you plan to place them?
Hmmm… yes and no, I’d say. Of course, it is no machinery underneath the skin, it doesn’t do anything “cyborg”, it just looks that way. Same thing why a maori tattoo doesn’t make you a warrior - both is “just” art.
But maybe (@enginerd , I’m really curious to know your opinion about that), it is just a tool to “feel right”. Like, I totally love bioluminescence, yet as a human being, I can’t achieve it. So glowing implants are a tool for me to achieve something similar - it’s definitely no true bioluminescence, but at least I glow So achieving a cyborg-y look might still be something that feels like enhancing your body, even if it doesn’t actually “do” anything.
Exactly, I’d love to replace by entire body but maybe getting some aesthetic components would help me feel better in my own skin. I must admit that VR made me appreciate the aesthetic components a lot more than I used to.
You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything
You think that you could ever be
(Queen - Innuendo)
Beautiful song, and those lines have travelled with me on my bodmod-journey
(Along with “My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies” from the very same band…)
I mean I do that all the time just because I’m a masochist. Usually if it’s for a bodymod though I’ll take it more seriously and only use that motivation for information gathering purposes. Like how every time I get a standard flex with a needle I don’t take pain management even though I could so that “I can accurately tell people how much it hurts” if they can’t get iced for theirs.
New tattoo yesterday. It was a 5-hour session, quite intense. Pain was though at some places. But very happy with the result . The lines are all straight, it’s just my body that is curved .
Well no actually, because the xG3 that was removed 2 weeks ago because it was not placed correctly has been put back in the knife edge of the left hand.