Prepairing to Buy & Pitch to Installer

Planning on getting a NExT kit for first implant. Nearest installer is a ways out. Anxious about pitching to local piercers.

Recommend buying the kit first, or wait until I find an installer? Does it need to be installed right away to maintain sterility?

Installing in left hand. For recovery time, plan a vacation from the factory.

When I buy, BTC is an option? Have always wanted to use bitcoin/monero but few vendors accept them (and KYC is a non-egalitarian barrier to entry). There’s an intimate significance for something that will become a new part of my body.

I’m also curious about licensing / copyrights for the same reason. Keep my body a free software purist machine. Though hardware is different, understandably.

Anxiety escalates on the verge of achieving dreams.

How about you just finding an installer first. Once you get the kit though, it should remain safe for many years if you don’t open the kit and play with it. Just leave it in the box and you’ll be fine keeping it on the shelf for up to 5 years basically.

We used to accept cryptocurrency but accounting law surrounding crypto is extremely complex and none of the wallets or exchanges offer very good tax documentation for using crypto as a currency… they only focus on crypto as an investment.

It’s an interesting question… like what happens if your pacemaker uses licensed software to manage it and that license expires or is changed… I totally get that. But, in this case of our particular products being extremely simple transponders, there’s nothing to worry about in that sense.

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How about just finding an installer first.

Very well. Will focus on that. Thank you.

none of the wallets or exchanges offer very good tax documentation for using crypto as a currency… they only focus on crypto as an investment.

Indeed. Seems this is how to kill cryptocurrency. Sponsor silly investor jesters and their obfuscatory journalism. Ok. Will use fiat.

there’s nothing to worry about in that sense.

As hardware, with bits up for user hackability, I suppose the NExT is sold and not licensed then?

Normally, I almost always agree with Amal, In this instance, I think you might be better off actually having the kit in hand when you approach an installer.
That way, they can see the kit, see it is professionally and safely packaged, You have everthing in it they could need, and if you are lucky, they MAY do it there and then.


Heres some more info for you and your potential installer that may be of use

read ?

read ?

Watch Installation procedure Guide 1

Watch Installation Procedure Guide 2

Watch Needle insertion angle

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So the idea of licensing is interesting. There are permanent licenses and there are monthly licenses and there are biannual licenses and all different kinds of licenses in terms of payment anyway. The concern is, with the license terms expire or change over time.

The chips that are inside of the NExT are patented from two different companies and any licenses to use the technology are integrated into the hardware itself, which moves with the hardware after purchase. We buy those components, and a doing so we pay the license to use the technology contained therein. We did not have to sign any additional agreements or anything really in order to purchase that technology/hardware. The license is inherent in the act of purchasing it. We’re not violating any patents because we are not producing the technology which is patented, we are purchasing it as an OEM component.

The idea to me of selling an implant that comes with licensing strings attached such that the end consumer cannot truly own the device they are purchasing, or that they may be subject to license terms changing over time is morally repugnant to me.

This stance on licensing is exemplified in my approach to the VivoKey Apex. The chip hardware running the Smart Card applications has its own licenses but we purchased these outright when we buy the hardware. The partner we work with to deploy applications to the chip securely is Fidesmo. Their default licensing methodology was… not in line with my beliefs. Luckily, they are a forward-thinking and flexible company to work with, so we negotiated and more appropriate license framework such that we pay a one-time license per chip for their deployment platform which persists for the life of the chip and/or the life of the Fidesmo company.

Any sufficiently advanced technology will always rely in some form on others for its continued operation. We need electric companies to supply electrons to power our devices for example. But, every effort is being made to ensure that any potential interruption of service is not due to arbitrary or petty licensing issues.

I really believe that everything we produce should, as completely as possible, be the property and pervue of the customer who trusts us enough to buy it and put it into their bodies.


Thank you. I’d downloaded the first file, but hadn’t seen the others before.

The second one, “Professional Guide to 2x12mm Transponder Installation,” looks similar to the pdf I downloaded: “Professional Guide to x-series injectable product installation.” Do you know if one is more applicable / up-to-date than the other?

I downloaded the 1st and 3rd video. (2nd video got HTTP error 403: forbidden). Will watch through them and have them ready to share with potential installers.

This one?

This link worked for me. let me know if it doesnt for you, I’ll sort you out.

Without dissecting them, the information should be pretty much the same.

The release dates should be on the bottom right snd it should be fair to assume the newer one should be the most upto date one

Suggest not bother with convincing local piercing studios who’s not offering chip implantation service on their website.
Work with those who offer chip implantation service.

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Depending on where you are I wouldn’t agree with this advice. Where I am, piercers don’t advertise that they do subdermal implants. They won’t advertise them at all unless you directly ask about them. I don’t think there’s any legal reason to it and it’s all related to mark talk.

Dont know either. Can bet many of body modification artists dont even know about micro chip implants for human. Need to know how the studio business works. At least those parts about services legalization and realization legaly or something. Guess its about taxes.

I feel like most piercers have at least heard of chip implants by now. I just live in the southern United States and there’s a lot of beast talk so no artist directly advertises it. I haven’t met one that does subdermal stuff and doesn’t know about DT.

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Where I am, piercers don’t advertise that they do subdermal implants

I don’t see it advertised on any websites for piercers in my area either. Searching for it has not proven fruitful. I will try contacting them.

If I can’t find anyone nearby, I will make a road trip to the nearest pin on the partner map.

Thank you. I have identified and printed the newer document.

I was also able to download all of the videos on my other device. (My wearable couldn’t download one, but I don’t yet have working audio on my wearable anyway.)

I will be able to take everything in with me to show the installer.

The package has arrived as well. I haven’t opened the outer shipping box for concern of piercing the sterile packaging within, but I suppose it would be sensible for me to show them the contents of that as well.

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Wasn’t able to find anyone to do it locally. Overzealous laws.

Took a road trip across a couple boarders instead. Installed. Tested. Happy.


Where to?

Tattoo Temple, from the map of trusted installers.


Unfortunately I’d have to take a fight for my nearest installer… What’s the going rate?

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What’re you looking to have installed? Where?

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Was 100 USD for an x-seriese in the hand. I’ve heard that’s on the high end.