Research Project - Booster stickers

Research Projects

We are exploring a new idea here at Dangerous Things - the concept of research projects which can in part be funded by the community. In short, if you want to see a thing explored to see if it’s possible, you can back it with any amount over $5 that you feel comfortable with.

Booster sticker project

The first project is the Booster Sticker concept, first discussed on the forum in this thread. Here’s the link to the project!


These have the potential to be incredibly useful. Here’s hoping we can take it from an idea to an actual product!


I’ll toss 20$ at this later tonight

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Payday is tomorrow… I will toss some of that your way.

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We don’t have any spare money, but this is definitely something we’d like to see succeed.


Cool idea of course

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When I tried with GPay it told me I had successfully ordered 0 units. I don’t know if it is my phone, or what.

So I added some to the cart and paid with Stripe.

not glad it’s happening, but, I’m glad it’s not just me… I let Amal know earlier (late last night for him), he was going to have a look at it today

I didn’t get the stripe option :man_shrugging:

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it’s a problem with the payment plugin… i am compiling a support request for them.

Before I donate

Have you finished your “purchase alert”?

heh heh heh

haha not yet

Damn X 20

Huh… well I just tried to donate 20$ and it charged me 5.75?

Lemme know what it looks like on your end, and worst case I can do that a couple more times

yep… this is a bug with Stripe’s plugin as they are the ones that process both Apple Pay and Google Pay payments… it’s the way they are pulling the price… they are not honoring the “name your price” plugin value you’re setting and instead charging the default price… which was set to $0 before and now I’ve set to $5.75 as part of a test to confirm the issue.

The bug report has been submitted so for now if you want to set your own donation amount, you’ll have to pay with credit card I guess :confused:

Dang, and to think I put $4,000 down through Google pay. :rofl:

Is the total raised being updated real time or is that just a static page?

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@amal I think in all the fun, you’ve messed up the page

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I tried to do $20 just now and $0 went through. Just figured you might want an update to the ongoing issue.

Thanks… the only way for it to work at the moment is to use credit card processing not apple pay or Google pay. Annoying. Bug report submitted and they looking into it.