Shipping Delay/NExT Question

Do you need help with your decision because it sounds like you have already made up your mind?
unnamed (12)

Ha! Honestly, I am just stuck on if I should make it the xSIID or not. It is cheaper for the white bundle, so I will likely grab it even though I only want half of the NExT. I have injectable lidocaine, so I am not worried about the pain or anything. So maybe I should get a magnet also?

I am just indecisive to be honest.

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hey look, it’s me from a couple weeks ago… hehe

Just pick a thing and hit the button quick. always time to get other stuff down the road if you want. hitting the button is pretty satisfying. :smiley:

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Its here its here!
Now… how do I convince my friend to come within 6 feet of me?
I think that wait might cause more anxiety than the shopping for, sitting in cart for days, convincing my spouse, ordering, and waiting for delivery did.
Sent a message to come outside and stab me. Waiting for a response.


Get your spouse to do it? Date night :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ?


Just say the word needle, gagging. It was a tough sell. One of the agreements… don’t show me the process. Don’t make me touch the results. So wait I must


Oh my God I can’t get home fast enough


I WISH my wife would do it. As it is when the stuff gets here in a couple days, i’ll just sit around for a couple months until the world is working again…

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I only have my cat’s to help out… they have there own implants so they don’t think the idea is crazy, but unfortunately they lack the dexterity required… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I tried to view, but I don’t do social media,So I will just use my imagination :thinking:

“Wow that’s awesome” :+1:
“looks amazing”
“I’m happy for you”


Hahahaha on point I’ll take it lol


Do you live in SE MN? I can throw on some PPE and help ya if you want.


Couple weeks? I have been lurking this site for a long time wanting to order, like months, but I ordered mine this morning. I went with the White Bundle.

Now to decide where to put them. Would it make sense to put the led next to the spark?

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To be fair, I ordered on like day 3 or something haha… but with shipping delays and all that most of my obsessing has been about where to put them.

I think I’m putting the NExT and xLED in my left hand, and the Spark in my arm (since I expect it ill be mostly scanned by me with my phone to it doesn’t need prime placement for others to scan it)… but that’s me. Really depends what you plan on using them for and which one you’d want to show off a bit with the LED haha.

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Before you do that figure out how your phone’s NFC antenna is oriented. For my phone I have to have the chip parallel to the long side of my phone, so like up or down (not side to side). Hope that made sense. Point being if you plan on putting it in your arm, make sure it is positioned correctly. For my phone that would mean placing the chip perpendicular with the bone in order to get a comfortable read., which could be problematic.


What if you place it on the underside of your forearm? That is where I am leaning on putting the spark and led.

I plan on putting the next in my left hand. I have no need for access control, let alone I hardly understand what yall are talking about with the proxmark and how that works.

I don’t think it is worth the couple hundred for it to copy it to my hand. I really have no idea how I am going to utilize the next. I figure I will just put it there just in case.

Maybe I’m missing something (or just need more caffeine), but I can’t think of a direction it could be in my arm that wouldn’t be easy to read by turning either my arm or my phone a bit?

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Just be careful of the artery and tendons that are down there. I would have the same precautions as I do above though in terms of comfort.

There’s cheaper devices if you just want to clone. For example:
Just be warned that device can brick your xEM if it doesn’t have a solid connection.

Well there’s the thing don’t think, test it out. Everyone’s different so maybe it’s comfortable for you. For me if I were to put an x-series chip in my arm parallel with the bones, it would be very awkward to scan with my phone. However it would work great on the access control at my office.

It would just all depend on your phone and arm. Just wanted to give you heads up so you wouldn’t be disappointed after your first install.