Show off your blink! xSIID NFC + LED Gallery (+Glow)

I got designs for the chips I am working with in VivoKey Japan.

But they are just limited to Spark 2 and xSIID for now.

I haven’t asked for details for other chips.
Amal is pretty busy lately on some epic stuff so I don’t even want to ring him up for this right now.


Blue looks amazing on your skin!!! :heart_eyes_cat:
And the eye tattoo glowing. Damn, that’s some stylish upgrade!!


@Pilgrimsmaster thanks for the mention on that other post about the flex-next. my piercer/installer was against doing the install so i passed on getting one.
and yes you are right about the name Rajaramjet being a combination of the Indian raja and the 70s cartoon character Roger Ramjet. some time between 00-05 i was setting myself up with yahoo, Hotmail and Google email accounts and tried using the name Roger_Ramjet when i forgot the password. i then combined rajaramjet and have been using it since. funny thing is that back in 94 i got my first 2 tattoos and one is the name Roger Ramjet. from childhood thru my teens and up to the day i got hat tattoo people called me Ramjet. sine the day to now they all stopped
as for the tattoo the xsiid is under i wanted something else to “fill in” the blank area at my wrist then i got the implant. after getting the implant i asked on the fbook page if i could tattoo over a chip and everyone including Amal said NO NADA DON’T but 1 guy said he did with great care. i then found that tattoo while google searching something else and quickly had it sized for the spot on my wrist. if the tattoo was a bit more willing and i had known more i would had him move the chip around enough that the glow of the xsiid chip would have been directly in the blank spot of the pupil. i’m still 1,000% happy with the tattoo as it is now just the same as if it did glow thru the pupil


thanks @RyuuzakiJulio

That is pretty badass. When I saw the 3-led FlexNExT I had thought about it under a tattoo in the style of a Japanese Oni with a third eye, and the three eyes would glow… but if you “can’t” tattoo over a fully healed implant then trying to get the placement perfect under an existing tattoo seemed… unlikely…


with a flexNExT you can get pretty close position wise… but not rotation wise.

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You could order a doNExT with a hole in the middle and tattoo the pupil of an eye through the center - assuming you have a design with a huge eye that would work.

You could also do a smaller eye around a glass blinky, provided the elongated part of the eye matches the long-axis of the implant and the tattoo artist is really careful not to strike the implant with his needle. After the implant is done migrating and it has settled of course.

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Quick update to show the color my white xSIID seems to have settled into 5 days out from install. It was showing a lot pinker in my last video. I’m honestly quite surprised by how clear and bright it is now, I’d been expecting kind of a yellow-pink as an end result and I’m pretty stoked to see how close it is to a true white for being, you know, under skin.


Thank you for also featuring your cat in the video :purple_heart:

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Kitty isn’t impressed because it has plenty of white bits naturally and don’t need no stinkin’ implant

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My secret agenda was to show off my cat the whole time :smiling_imp:

He got chipped a few years back and doesn’t get what all the fuss is about hahaha


As promised in another thread I would like to show you some blink too.
Here the original post…

xSIID :vertical_traffic_light:

Here’s the promised video link

My currently 8 LED’s

And here you can see the orientation. Black lines are antenna, colored dots are the LED’s.


The blinkiness factor is off the chart :slight_smile:


seeing that last one, I kinda want a red version in a fingertip and to the ET thing :stuck_out_tongue:


Funny idea, I honestly had the same. :wink:
As things look by now it might become possible within the next few months. (Husband is working on it… Not sure if it really fits in the fingertip then but we’ll see) :zipper_mouth_face: enough said for now :sweat_smile:


HF xLED white on left hand, red on right hand.
Tested with an IPhone XR in a very lit room.


Yunno, i found it weird that iPhone antennas were in the top but my gosh does it make it easier to show people blinkies. With my Samsung it’s like peeking under a rock :joy:


Here are my xLED HF Red and xSIID Blue both in L0, 3 weeks after installation. In real life the blue is actually slightly dimmer than the red, and it leans more towards a green tinged blue.

It is interesting to compare the light output of the xLED and the xSIID - the xLED, with its side end firing LED has a much larger lit area.


I’m pretty sure the XSIID also points out the side, it’s likely just pointed in the opposite direction or something.
I know my XSIID varies pretty strongly in terms of brightness and dot-size, I just assumed it was normal and due to the direction the LED points

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By side, I meant pointing out the end of the implant vs up or down - I should have been clearer.

The LED in the xSIID and xLED are definitely pointed in different directions (90 degrees to one another).

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