The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉


I mean, yeah, it’s cool, but I like my boobies the way they are, and I don’t want them to be bigger. Glowing, on the other hand
 :thinking: :smile:
It would be just amazing to use that for smaller implants - cheekbones, little “spots” in the face, maybe longer implants that could run over your arms or legs, that’d be really cool!

So I’m working on an idea, not related to cyborgi-ness, and ran into a lack of understanding of organic chemistry. This made me realize I need to talk to a nerd, and that I know a whole bunch of 'em gathered in one place. :logo_dt_circle:

Nerds are awesome, btw.

My project isn’t super secret, but I’d rather not dump it onto the open net, so is there anybody with a decent understanding of basic organic chemistry who would be willing to answer a coupla questions via DM? :scientist:

I just really need to know how to degrade / destroy / mitigate a chemical inside a material in a way that would be economically feasible.

From a perspective of being VERY single, ya’ll making me think of this.

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I’ve been thinking of doing that with acme thread and cable rib implants
 But without the glow in the dark component. Although it should be possible to make cable rib glowies.

Came across this and thought that @Pilgrimsmaster could find it relatable. :robot_marvin:


The unofficial Dangerous Things theme Tune

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That’s a really cool look, saw that once on some lady (can’t remember where I found it). And it’s theoretically possible to get that done with the glowy silicone as well - though custom stuff can take some time, and I don’t know if Steve still does it at all.
But I was thinking about really thin lines, almost invisible if not glowing, that could actually change colours just like the breast implants
 that would be really amazing.




Part (BIG part) of me is very opposed to animal testing and all the terrible suffering that comes with it.

Smaller, very annoying part of me wants a glowing kitty now.


The internet ruined my mind 


I saw this and thought of you

I assume this is what you make when you need a rest up the tower


That’s for the night cuts when we forget to bring our hammocks XD


Forum hates Instagram links
. European dates are wrong

The language of psychology is becoming appropriate to describe the behavior of predictive models and networks like GPT.

Ilya Sutskever, creator of GPT


I went to Home Depot because I needed an apartment key copied. Noticed you can buy a LF Keycard for $26 and have them copy it! No clue how they justify those prices, other than people have no clue their real costs

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@Pilgrimsmaster, I think that you need to have a chat about human intelligence, cultural norms about numbering things, math problems with multiple solutions, and the importance of clear and concise writing with your younger siblings.



I had somebody bet me once that I couldn’t lick my elbow. I then proceeded to prove them wrong by licking the INSIDE of my elbow, not the outside. They refused to concede because, “That’s not what I meant!”.

The reply makes perfect sense if the gears are numbered 1-6 to a person situated opposite of you. Which would be the norm for two people observing the same thing. You however would perceive them as 6-1.

The perspective shifts to your perspective in the second sentence, causing the stated numbering to be opposite to the stated direction of rotation.

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That is one of two solutions. And that, combined with the pointlessly long winded answer makes my inner mathematician a bit uncomfortable.


Silly youngling has a lot to learn to convice humans we are one of them :wink:
I’ll have a word, but in the mean time, you could try

“Infront of me are 6 gears mounted in a row and using the mental number line, labeled 1 through 6 

or simply
“Infront of me are 6 gears mounted in a row and labeled 1 through 6 from left to right

The statement
“infront of me
” justifies your orientation