The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

First I had an xG3 v1 in my tragus. Then I got it removed and replaced with a small double magnet from Cassox. I just had that removed and replaced with an xG3 v2. My friend just got a tiny magnet installed up on his tragus, so that we can test both ends extreme ends of the tragus magnet spectrum for sound transmission.

  • It wasn’t painful during or now 18hrs later, even though I have two stitches
  • I was put on ice
  • Both my friend and I could hear the scraping and the tugging from the removal/installs. Very odd with no sensation
  • I wouldn’t waste a titan on the ear. I have one in my finger and that’s good enough for me. Honestly I had given up on tragus hearing because I could never get more than a few cm range, but my friend convinced me to give it one last shot, for science

Yeah, agreed on the technique. My installer and I learned a lot from my xNT Removal

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