The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

My circle of ham friends all bought these DMR Raspberry PI Zero based hotspots and use those with the cheap TYT HTs. Just not my cup of tea.

Yeah I just took the tests over and over until I was getting 90+% I actually took my extra expecting to fail because I didnā€™t feel I was ready but somehow I passed. lol. I originally got my Novice back in 1990ā€¦ I was president of the ham radio clubā€¦because no one else showed up. They actually had a station at the HS. I had some AM gear (tubes!) someone had given me but with a novice you couldnā€™t do much, and the internet was just starting to come together which was more interesting than morse codeā€¦ My ticket expired in 2000, but I got it again in 2010.


Lucky. Where I am weā€™re lucky if any sort of tech group other than robotics gets funded, funding seems sparse unless youā€™re athletics or robotics. I donā€™t know what bands you ran on but for me personally I see very little to no use for anything below 2M other than very long distance contacts without a repeater which is not really my cup of tea. I am more a fan of local repeater stuff.


Derail! Derail!

So I went the opposite way. You can get a cheapo FM 15W transmitter off of the internets, throw up a di-pole antenner and Bam!, Instant Radio Station.

Arrgghh! Me Mateyā€™s! :skull_and_crossbones:

Of Course youā€™ve got to live way out in the sticks to get away with it. One little complaint and Iā€™d have to junk the whole rig. Still, from the cow lot, to the fork in the road, Iā€™m the biggest thing rockinā€™ around here.




Some amazing info being shared already.
Bepis, Oā€™Daily and Turbo all hamming it up :pig2::radio:

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That sounds like fun. My grand master plan is to have a couple DMR repeaters at a facility out in the sticks with a bunch of heated garage bays, storage, server room, radio antennas, backup generator, you name it.


Yeah I had an FT-857 as my first radio. I barely used it. I think I made two contacts on it. I quickly transitioned to the higher frequency 2M and 440 mobile rigs. I have 900Mhz radio in the car as well. I think I have s 220 HT somewhere too. I also modded my FT-8800 to get into the business band (shhhh). My FTM-400 is sitting on my desk because it wonā€™t transmit more than 10W and I have to send it inā€¦ but Iā€™m lazy.


Donā€™t need to mod my 7550e to get into business band. :wink: Itā€™s 403-512 from the factory.

What do you do on 900mhz? It seems like it would have such a short range and high coax loss for what it is compared to 70cm.


Those 2 werenā€™t even on my Radarr [sic], I had never even heard of them until you mentioned them. They have heaps of potential, I had a play and set up an RSS feed from my torrent providers, AND the Unexpected Bonus was the compatibility with Synology Download Station.
I pretty much have these solutions in place through other means, but without them, I would definitely go for those two.

I couldnā€™t find any renaming functionality, although it is a good media player, My synology has a native player (DS Video station) that fulfills this need, But cheers for the suggestion

Not bad, but I found another similar, but in my opinion better option ( see the bottom of this post )

Not a fan, tried again because of your glowing reccomendation, a bit too clunky, which in my opinion is unacceptable in this day and age, But seriously thanks for the suggestion

I also found, ā€œName my TV Seriesā€ā€¦Fail
tinyMediaManagerā€¦ I might be onto a winner here , Sort Of, Not a drag and drop, but quite easy to use, decent GUI, has a scrape functionā€¦ It is built on Java specifically for Kodi Media Center.
I will persist with this for a bit. As it is closest to what I was looking for.

I would still highly recommend TheRenamer for those still using Windows 7 ( if there is anybody still using it with no security support)

THANKS ALL for your suggestions, really appreciated


I have a Synology (DS418, 4 HDDs) but Iā€™m far from this network speed.
What kind of network setup do you have?

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@SnarkBe Well donā€™t expect to get those speeds when actually reading/writing disks (even SSDs). Those speeds were from an NVMe drive in a PC to a ramdisk in the Synology. I have the DS1618+ which has a single PCIe slotā€¦ I put a Mellanox ConnectX2 SFP+ card ($30ea used on amazon) with 10GTek LC 10Gb fiber modules ($22ea) and ran Amazon Basics 30m OM3 fiber ($20) between (the NAS drive is on the other side of the house). I have the same hardware in the PC. I actually have 2 PCs so I have a MikroTik 5 port SFP+ switch ($130) near the NAS so the NAS to the switch uses a DAC cable. ($15)
10Gb networking is in everyoneā€™s budget these days.



Thatā€™s better!
Windows 10, running Windows 7 On VM


Haha, that reminds me of me when I want to do or get something very specific.

I will go the most awkward route to get it :laughing: :laughing:


Anyone here like chess?


Havenā€™t seen anyone mention cooking in here yet. Anyone here consider themselves a home-cook? Iā€™m currently transitioning between college life and the real-world, and so is my cooking. I made an entire 10-ish portion sized baked ziti the other day, and it was absolutely amazing. Itā€™s definitely the most involved dish Iā€™ve ever made, even though its pretty simple lol. Learned a lot, and next time I decide to make enough baked ziti for my girlfriend and I to eat leftovers of it for a week (but its so good you donā€™t get tired of it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) itā€™ll be even better.


Went to an auction today. Sometimes I go and look for oddities. I kinda scored this time.

First, I picked up two geiger counters, a dosimeter, and itā€™s charger. All of which are ex Civil Defence gear from the 60ā€™s. For those who donā€™t know, the Civil Defence was supposed to handle the civilian level emergency and aftermath of a cold war nuclear strike. (Presumably Russian)

Plusā€¦ I scored this cool old piece of glass technology.

Which turns out to be a turn of the century X-ray source. Donā€™t worry, itā€™s currently harmless. It needs stupidly high voltage to function. No Juice = Harmless.

Still. A Good day at the auction and some cool finds.


Man They are awesome looking, Great score

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wow, those are awesome! that x-ray glass thing would make a great shelf decoration or something. what are you planning on doing with it?


Gonna hafta figure out how to display it. Itā€™s shape lends itself to hanging, but itā€™s not really the kind of thing that looks good hanging. Iā€™ll figure it out eventually.

But it will definitely never be near high voltage. These things are kinda wild in operation. Thereā€™s good reason not mess with this old tech.