The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

I got a 24tb custom built plex server/nas and I’ve only got 900gb left :disappointed_relieved:


Ouuuhh, I struggle with an 8tb … just had to delete so much to make room for new stuff. 198gb free. The woes of low income and the desire for a giant nas :laughing:


Oh, I picked up two at a hamfest for a $1 each. But he only had one charger that he wasn’t selling. He charged them for me though. No idea what I’ll ever do with them


Walk into work with one held out, like you’re scanning the place, until you get to a co worker. Then go all straight faced, while saying “oh-shit” in a quiet voice. Then beeline outa there.


Or just put in your pocket and play a little fallout New Vegas.


Chemistry stand. It just felt right.


Yeah mate, good choice.
Looks good

Now you need to get a Rick and Morty pop vinyl to put underneath it


Looks like some fancy bong to be honest with you. But it’s still super funny


that looks so rad!!
(hopefully not too rad…)


Never fear, I have SCIENCE it!!!


I just watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
What an unmitigated steaming pile of super woke horseshit.:horse_racing::poop:
Characters crap
Actors Crap
Acting crap
Plot / story crap
Humour Shit
Action sequences crap
Rey cant use a sword
Kylo cant use a sword
Fin a waste of space
Poe Dameron - Needs some acting lessons
Actors… so obviously forced to get a “tick in the WOKE box”
Worse Star Wars ever…
Come Back jar jar binks, All is forgiven

Just glad I didn’t pay for it, except a little bit of my soul :ghost:


Do yourself a favor and watch some Neil Breen next time, buddy. :upside_down_face:





When looking for solutions for a electromagnet field bracelet, I came across something I would love to get, and maybe see incorporated one day into an implant.

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Surely there is “an app for that”

Are you a snoozer? Must have been difficult in the military for you!

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If I want to be. I just want to see if I can make myself less reliant on an alarm clock.

Also, you wouldn’t like to wake up, without ever waking others up?


Fair point, Personally, I more often than not wake up before my alarm anyway AND I use a silent ( Vibrate only ) alarm on my Smart watch as a backup.

Are you wanting to use psychology or technology to do this?

Sleep science is very interesting

Circadian rhythms are amazing

I have heard of people hitting their head on a pillow the number of times for the hour they want to wake up… I guess this is a cognitive technique. ( called “pillow slam” or similar )

I have also heard of people “Telling themselves” what time to wake up, which would be similar to the above technique without the pillow.

I have also heard of using 90min sleep cycles, This is probably the closest to what I use, but it is unintentional.
Sleeping is definitely not my superpower :man_superhero: , so I am no expert on the matter.
I generally sleep 4.5 -6 hours per night, but when I sleep “Well” I will sleep for 5:50hrs - 6:10hrs per night so 4 x 90 min sleep cycles, I have never used a snooze button in my life, and as I said above, I generally wake up a couple of minutes before my alarm goes off ( unless I am already awake after the 3rd 90 min cycle), consistently enough, but not enough to not have an actual alarm set. ( I don’t like the possibility of being late )


Does anyone have a Librem 5? How is it/was it worth it?

I don’t want to knock off @Satur9 Librem 5 search,
So to bump his
And ask my own question
Does anybody have a recommendation for a Dailymotion Downloader?
I use KeepVid Pro for Youtube ( new version not as good as the old version ) but this doesn’t work for Dailymotion, I have tried a bunch of online downloaders that don’t work, so I am narrowing down my list one downloader at a time, but if anybody can speed up my search, that would be appreciated( I can screengrab, but that is my last resort )

Found works well

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