The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Whatā€™s your source for the shows and what do you use get them?

I get an RSS feed from ShowRSS and feed that into Deluge and a plugin called YaRSS2. You can use regex filtering to include/exclude entries from the feed like 720 or 1080 etc. After download you can move them to another folder you created.

Iā€™m on windows so Deluge hasnā€™t been updated in ages, I recently set up my RPi1B as a Pi-Hole DNS on my network and might run Deluge off that and hook up a network drive, the original B is kinda old now so not sure how itll handle that much load, but weā€™ll see.


I used to use RSS, but I physically check every day, so I donā€™t miss new shows, also I generally get TV @720 and movies @1080, I also found that sometimes my RSS would miss it ( generally if I was too specific ) and I would have to go hunting. I should set it back up, but I donā€™t find it too arduous
I direct download to a seedbox and ftp that to my synology " Downloads folder " Where I would drag and drop to TheRenamer for TV, and for movies, there was a fetch function that I would use.

I hadnā€™t thought about using a PI, mine is currently set up as an arcade console, but i do have a spare B+ā€¦hmmmā€¦

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They are great little yokes. I used have mine, few years ago when I lived elsewhere, hooked up to the sitting room TV and powered through the USB service port and I would SSH into to both download and watch shows.

Was always fun when out for a few drinks with someone and weā€™d head back to mine for a few more and watch some TV and Iā€™ve already logged into it on the phone from the pub and downloaded the shows we were talking about :smile:


Piā€™s make great media servers and boxes for multi-media. Iā€™ve hosted Plex on them with no real issues that are overwhelming.


Is a seedbox worth the money? Iā€™ve hummed and hawed about getting one for years


Handling is one thing, simplifying is quite another.
It like taking somebodyā€™s Finely honed SANTOKU knife :hocho: from them and giving them a table knife, sure you can use it, but why make it difficult.

I did many years ago, It was not bad, but I guess I am now looking back :wink:
I donā€™t recall it renaming files though, does it do that now?

Cheers Iā€™ll check those out :+1:

Depends on the day of the week, but I would have to say :chicken::poultry_leg:

For people like ourselves, that like to hoarde, and I assume you use a ratio based torrent site
It is great, amazing speeds ( but chain is only as stongā€¦ :chains: )
Probably unnecessary, as I can use my Synology ( on 24/7 to seed )
I use UK company, servers in the Netherlands. I pay ?? :euro: :euro:10 per month for 1TB ( I use it to keep my ratios up and give back with great speeds )

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Topre = Rubber Domeeee

Plus is it really even a mechanical keyboard if you donā€™t have Zealios switches?


AND THOUGHTS??? as I walk away do get on with something more productiveā€¦

Me tooā€¦ while mando was a good show, itā€™s still classic Star Wars fluff bullshit. I believe the fundamental philosophical and moral differences between Star Wars and Star Trek can be summed up thuslyā€¦

oh yeah, spoilersā€¦

Mandalorian, Chapter 4 (Sanctuary); Mando & Cara help peasant villagers ā€œrise upā€ and fight an AT-ST Raiderā€¦ but before that, Cara talks about how a single AT-ST took out tons of trained rebel soldiers in her unitā€¦ in modern terms, it would be like pitting infantry soldiers with machine guns against what amounts to a M1 Abrams tankā€¦ a bloodbath with no pointā€¦ but somehow they ā€œtrain the villagersā€ in a montage that could have realistically only covered 24-48 hours at mostā€¦ lots of great training there guysā€¦ and then of course they win with a novel strategy of what? Digging a holeā€¦ as if this is something a massive walker from the Star Trek universe couldnā€™t simply scan and walk over or around, or just stand there blasting the shit out of everyone. Itā€™s feel-good bullshit fluff that is fun to watch, but ultimately is a story-line that is so recurrent in popular culture that it innundates people over and over again with the idea that you can overcome overwhelming odds with no resources if you ā€œjust believeā€ā€¦ and when real people take this attitude into the real world and inevitably fail, over and over, they become convinced itā€™s because they suck and get depressed about lifeā€¦ why can everyone else do all the things and I have such a hard time? Well because life is full of impossible, overwhelming challengesā€¦ some you can pick away and at eventually win, but some must be navigated around, or simply given up on. In a Star Trek world, youā€™d set off and walk straight up Mount Everest with hardly any training and no gear and after a few struggles youā€™d summit, all because you just ā€œtried hardā€. Itā€™s fluff bullshit and a terrible philosophy for lifeā€¦ yet kids grow up on this stuffā€¦ integrate it into their identitiesā€¦ itā€™s just bad.

  • Star Trek TNG, S3:E2 The_Ensigns_of_Command; Humanoids inhabit a planet that is not theirs to inhabit, and an alien comes to wipe them off it. For their own safety, Data tries to convince them to leave, but the villagers want to ā€œrise upā€ and ā€œfightā€. Star Trek doesnā€™t play that shitā€¦ they donā€™t come up with a magic space hole for the aliens to fall into, Data has to basically risk his own existence to convince them they will die if they donā€™t leave. I wonā€™t go into such a diatribe here, but ultimately Data has to get murdered, rise from the dead, and start destroying all the things the villagers are clinging on toā€¦ mainly an aqueductā€¦ but the point is, this episode is about hard truths and hard choices. This is what life is really like, and in general the show was an excellent philosophical and moral compass for a growing lad like me

rant over.


I love my synology rackmountsā€¦ put them in a vertical 2U rack and hang 'em off a wallā€¦ one in my garage and one in a colo for ā€œlocalā€ backupā€¦ and amazon glacier too.


And here I am just rocking my 4 Bay DS-413 ( Pushing the limits at 16TB- which is almost full )


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thatā€™s still quite the rocker!

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I have a no-bay non-DS-anythingā€¦ :upside_down_face:


i set ā€œthe loungeā€ as an open category, not just for ā€œlevel 3sā€ and upā€¦


aaand this thread now lives in the ā€œLoungeā€ category.



Hi Jack,
the lounging derailment cat


Completely derailing the thread (although I guess thatā€™s the point), but I passed my ham tech exam yesterday and Iā€™m super happy. Iā€™m waiting for all of the admin stuff to go through and Iā€™ll hop on the air. I know @turbo2ltr has a few radios, do you have any DMR gear?


Nice congrats! I have one of those MD-380 DMR HTs but I rarely use it. Thereā€™s not too many DMR repeaters around here. Honestly I stay on one repeater my friend owns because I donā€™t like talking to strangers and only listen when Iā€™m in the carā€¦which now that I work from home is rare.


Right on. Iā€™m studying for my tech right now. I inherited my grandads old radio and decided to start getting into it.


Itā€™s super easy if you understand basic electrical/RF theory. I studied on

@turbo2ltr I picked up a 7550e and have DMR MARC in it right now. I feel like Iā€™m cheating when I hear people in New Zealand or Australia since itā€™s all over the internet. Someday Iā€™d like to own a DMR repeater but that would be in the very distant future, sadly I donā€™t have the $700 for a repeater plus whatever for feedline and antennas, not to mention internet and power