The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

I think he was more interested in making the contact lens than the driver. He got some light out, job done.


Yes, I would opt to change that. And all the freedom units I am forced to use.

Pff… kids these days are spoiled by metrication and turning into metric jihadists now. Give them 2.54 cm and they’ll take 1,609 m.


What do you call a Nanny anti vaxxer?

Mrs. Doubtpfizer


I think we should switch to furlong-firkin-fortnight units.

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Just FYI

New ( 2 hours from this post ) Proxmark release from @Iceman

Release v4.14434
Nickname “Crimson”

Source Code .zip

Source Code tar.gz



Oh wow… I was wiring up the two new long-range LF readers, set one under power on top of the other while I grabbed the sodering iron, and it started howling like an orgasming whale on cocaine. It took me a few seconds to realize the noise was coming from it. And now it don’t work quite right anymore :frowning:

I guess the other one coupled so well it pulled too much power for the ouput stage or something. Bummer, I didn’t even think that could happen. Chalk that up to experience I guess…


I would ask how you know what that sounds like, but I’m sure I don’t want to know.

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I discovered the first small drawback of an implant in the middle finger: if you play any cue sport and you need to make a low-down closed bridge, the cue plays the violin on the edge of the implant:

It’s not painful but it’s not pleasant. But I usually play with a glove though, so it’s less unpleasant.

Also, when doing a hard draw shot, it tends to slam the shaft onto the implant. Not terribly pleasant either, but that’s okay because I rarely have to force a shot that much.


Based on what I recall from playing as a kid with my brothers, Don’t you just hit the ball with the stick and keep anybody else from getting the blue chalk thingy?


Ok someone on here recommended an app for Android to record video with that was highly configurable and all like professional… can’t recall the name of it now and can’t find it either.

I call upon the AI searchbot @Pilgrimsmaster to locate said post!

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


found it… Filmic :slight_smile:

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Stupid, but amusing… and keeps me from shitting myself when I accidentally turn on the garbage disposal instead of the light


Stupid, but amusing Simple and clever solution to a problem :+1:

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Did you make this? It kind of looks 3D-printed.

And now for the obvious question: why not daisy-chaining the garbage disposal switch and the light switch so that the latter can’t be powered on without the former? That only requires unscrewing the fixture and a bit of electrical wire.

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Printed but didn’t design,

That sounds like work, the problem was just blindly flipping switches