The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Gee, and I thought I was lazyā€¦

Then again, now you have a Top Gun switch on your wall. Itā€™s worth doing just for that :slight_smile:


You should flip it around so you have to pull the protection down, then pull the switch up with your pincers hahah

Edit nmā€¦ forgot how those work

Thatā€™s the problem when you get used to having a footman to do these things for you.

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Most of the commonwealth countries switch down for on ( Canada being the main exception )

Isnā€™t it reversed for you down under?

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Not just laziness, Iā€™ll admit The idea of my hand in a garbage disposal, is borderline paranoia

Hollywood has burned into my head what happens,
The switch cover only adds a smidge of safety

Like you could cut the cord with snips in front of me and Iā€™m still going to super hesitant to try to fish anything out of there


Up for on sounds safer, less likely to be turned on by something fallingā€¦

But lots of different building codes based on region

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Healthy reflex.

I have the same sort of problem with knives: I am deathly afraid of knives - or anything that cuts really - due to my hand accident as a kid. I really recoil af anything that looks sharp, to the point that I impose only rounded children knives in the kitchen drawer, otherwise I wonā€™t even open it. My family hates me each time we have steak.

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Where as I used to juggle knifes when I worked in a pizza shop for my first job,

As always itā€™s funny the lines we draw in our heads

Cut? Mehā€¦ grind to nub? Hard pass

It depends on your life experiences. I also have the same fear of dogs for the same sort of reason, and itā€™s even worse, because the damn dogs feel that Iā€™m afraid of them and they immediately become aggressive around me, which makes me even more afraid, etcā€¦ I really have a hard time trying to look unconcerned when I meet a dog, despite my fear, to avoid triggering the vicious circle.

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I love this! Would save me more than a few 3 am heart attacks fumbling for the light switch lol

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Amazon getting kind of rigid on deliveries. For awhile they kept suggesting I get deliveries on a ā€œPrime Dayā€ that I would select. Then they changed to recommending I get deliveries on a pre-selected Prime Day (Wednesday). Now I get deliveries on Wednesday no matter what I select.

Their logistics must be severely strained by the borked supply chain and shipping situation.

Still kinda grates that my 2 day delivery is now Wednesday only.

I see your AI is Fallout based.





Donā€™t fucking remind me, Iā€™m pretty mad I somehow missed a day around 240

I donā€™t know how, because based on my circadian rhythm, I browse both when I wake up and when I go to bed, which means I should hit the site at minimum twice a day,

Also I hit it whenever Iā€™m bored, so really itā€™s like 20 times a day

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I just read an article from LA Magazine (February 2021) about ā€œbiohackingā€.

It isnā€™t about implants or technology, instead it is about having an ozone enema, sitting in a cryochamber and taking supplements that they are hoping to sell to you.

Does anyone here consider themselves a biohacker and if so what do you do that that article mentions and how does it work for you?

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I just had to look. Itā€™s been 14 months since poor Satur9 was all alone as a Devotee. There are (currently) 10 of us now. Quite a jump really.

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Itā€™s lonely at the top

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It took a lot of work.

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