The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Also mostly a mind game to prevent running away, they think they can be tracked

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Our spoons fit perfectly into the drill.


You spelled it incorrectly

Definitions of


  1. noun

someone who promotes or exchanges people for money


Low life , dirty scumbag, CUNTS ā€¦

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Crunchy Peanut Butter :peanuts:

I knew there was a reason I liked you Amal


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Iā€™ve lately been wanting a paint mixer type attachment for one of my dremels for milkshakes


Smooth peanut butter is for smooth brains :slight_smile:


I have a ā€œhandraulicā€ mixer, that youā€¦ummmā€¦wankā€¦to get it to mix

That handle part detached on it, And I actually just happened to need a small paint mixer attachment.

I put it in the drill, used it, worked perfectly, threw it away (I should have kept it )

It was the little brother of this

In general I agreeā€¦ But in Hawaii I came across Coconut peanut butter which was only available in smooth. (They make Chunky but I have 7 32oz jars to go through before I order more)

If you are interested.




That is indeed footage of me when my order arrived.

You canā€™t go wrong with only two ingredients.

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Same accent and everything!!!

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From @iceman

Hey @everyone

We are very happy to announce that RRG/Iceman Proxmark3 release v4.14831 a.k.a. Frostbit is out.

It got some more standalone modes,
it got command autocomplete in the client,
it got bugfixes,
finally the project has now been upgraded to GPL3+ according to the possibilities of the license. All standalone modes still has their own license same goes for dependencies and scripts.
A nice Authors file is also available.

Many to send our grateful love to, but I especially want to mention @doegox pray for his long lasting commitment to improve codebase and concepts of the repository like the licensing.

So head over to the repo, push that star button, and show some love over at all your social media!

~ Iceman ~


every now and then youtube shows me this:

while weā€™re at the topic, I lost count of how often I woke up to this:


Random question for the random threadā€¦

Are non metallic injection needles possible?

Iā€™d imagine you could make some acrylic tubing wicked sharp, and it would probably be fairly strong,
And itā€™s not like it needs to have much edge retention

Itā€™s a solution to a fairly non existent problem, but it would be nice to be able to interact with a chip in the injector assembly

Additionally question for the masses,

Is the xLED the exact same guts as the field detector? or is it better in anyway?

I just find my field detectors to be on the weak side, and it discourages me from the xLED

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Possible? yes.
Desirable (from our skinā€™s point of view)? Not so muchā€¦ =P

I do get your point and it does make sense.

Yet, thinking only from the bodymod perspectiveā€¦
It would bring many issues into play, such as edge retention (it could lose edge mid-use), fragmentation (& micro-) and sterillization.

Each might be handled by a different technology, though.

Good ask.

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So, theoretically possibleā€¦ but way more hassle than itā€™s worth

Better than not possible I suppose

I would say one step worse than

As inā€¦
It would definitely have issues making it unfit for purpose.

But those issues are theoretically solvable. (mostly because I would not say you canā€™t solve a problem, especially since Iā€™m no material expert). =P

Iā€™d imaging someone somewhere has made ceramic needles

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If weā€™re giving it unnecessary levels of thought (my speciality)

I guess you could keep the tip of the needle metal still, and make the tube something non metallicā€¦ could make the concept a bit easier, just set the implant far enough back in the tube to not be shielded by the metal end


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I did too. I was just thinking how thick the needle would be so it wouldnā€™t bend.

I also googled it cause I was curious.

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